Life Is As You See It

Saturday, March 25, 2006

So many pedestrians... So little time

So yesterday rachel goes to a garage sale and finds this gaming package called Carmageddon of whoms slogan is "So many pedestrians... So little time." I think to myself, hey this out to be a pretty fun game. So I go threw and get the game installed (made for win95 might I add) and start driving this pretty cool looking car in which my simple goal is to run anything and everything over. In fact I get more points for hitting more people at once, and doing it with style. I thought that was pretty cool. Game play is a little annoying once you get down to 3 pedestrians left on the map and your goal is to hunt them down and finish the job. But then again, you can go swimming with your car and you somehow find that there are land mines in the bottom of the city sewer lines? Go figure. Anyway, it was a great gift and can be used in other ways. It came with a steering wheel in which I can setup for use in many other games. Sweet. Enough talk, more pedestrians to run over. Bye

PS: All this entertainment for only $10. Oh Right... Gigitty


  • Giggity! Giggity! Giggity!

    The first time I played Burnout on XBOX, I was highly tempted to throw caution to the wind and go out and spend hundreds of dollars on a shiny new XBOX and a handful of games...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:49 AM  

  • That game is like how I used to dream when I was 14. Driving a 1979 Caddy the size of a boat and cruising the roads, sidewalks, or what ever felt was tire worthy.

    By Blogger Victor, at 1:26 PM  

  • << If you know me then great, otherwise you can get to know me if you dare.


    I hope you liked living in Middleton. I lived there for 18 years. I love it. It's very beautiful.

    I hope you and Rachel enjoy the rest of the weekend. You are great Americans!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:18 PM  

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