Life Is As You See It

Monday, August 20, 2007

I got my wish

So last week I commented about wanting to go on a hike, well on Friday I got my wish. Me and 6 scouts hiked to Silver Lake which is about 3 miles above Silver Lake Flat up Tibble Fork Canyon. It was fun and the view was just as cool as it was last time I hiked it. I am hoping to get out and hike timp sometime within the month. I know my feet probably wont be that happy with me, but it is something I enjoy doing. I am thinking that I will pack my tent and stuff in and camp up at the top. At least that sounds fun to me. As far as other things going on... well there isnt much. With Rachel working here at D3ntr1x with me we are saving a little money and have about 1/3 the available time to do about anything. Its alright though, because it keeps us busy and to me that is usually enough to keep me happy. The only time I really get annoyed and so on is when I have absolutely nothing to do, thus I work on the yard or find some other project. I have been programming a lot lately I have noticed and playing card games is going pretty high on that list as well. I have 3 games I would like to get that are card or board games that are quite fun, but require 3+ people to play. (Bang!, Citadels, Sabbitoirs* not sure how to spell that) Overall I would have to say that life is treating me pretty well(belaying memories. . ...**COMPETE**) Well, if you would like to drop me a line, please feel free to do so.

Friday, August 10, 2007


I need to get out and go hiking soon. I am feeling a little too cooped up lately. So you will never guess what has happened in the last week...

Give up? Rachel will be starting as the new D3ntr1x receptionist as of Monday this next week. Isn't that cool? At least I think it is. Mostly because of more money, and we can carpool and save more there. (Yes, even though I ride my bike in to work most 90% of the time.) This way Rachel, doesnt have to drive everywhere during the day like she used to. Of course we will still have plenty of errands to run and so on, but that is something we would have to do anyway.

I have also been playing around more with my RMXP project and have made some good progress and regress as well. Mainly because I found a new way of scripting scenes that was a little more effecient that the old method. So I am going back to re-designing those scenes. I am also still in need of storyline for it. I have about the first 2-3 chapters, but still need some help on ironing things out to make it good instead of just a mediocre storyline. Anyway, any help on that would be greatly appreciated.

Well, that about covers it.

"Quote of the day"
Want to get free flying lessons? I happen have my grenade launcher with me.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Just realized

So I just realized how long it has been since I last updated my blog with a new entry. Today that changes due the thing you are currently reading. This last weekend I went to see the Simpson's Movie and give it a triple thumbs up for comical value. The overall movie and excellent and I enjoyed the whole thing. I would very highly recommend, if you like the series, you will love the movie. Also speaking of which, Rachel was browsing the internet the other day and happened upon a website to convert yourself into a Simpson. I have attached the one she did of me. They are quite accurate really.

I think I will set this as my image for many avatar about everywhere. Well, later all.