Life Is As You See It

Friday, August 08, 2008


Well, a couple days ago I miffed it on my bike. I was riding down PG Blvd and went over the rail road tracks like normal, but this time my tires decided that they should act like a train. That was a very unfortunate decision for me because I was still going straight. I got a physics lesson that I didnt want. An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by another force said Newton. The earth tends to be one big force that likes to act upon us when we are being stupid and such. So I banged up my shoulder and scrapped up my knee a little. (sorry no pictures)

Well, back to other things. We finally got those new carpets in and they look great. They are not quite as soft as the old ones, but they are a tad bit on the cleaner side. Which I would prefer anyway, and they look WAY better. This weekend me a Rach are going to gut Mikaila's room and the Front room and rip the carpet out of them. The funny part of this is that after we passed the carpet out onto the lawn... well they are still there. They haven't moved in days. I find the entertaining for some reason, but am too lazy to move them to a location that wont kill the grass. So instead I go out and roll them over a turn or 2 so that they dont kill the grass. I guess I will have to buckle down and do that today. Well, that is all I have to say for now.

Oh yeah.. Odoyle.. GubiD is because of my MSN messenger name and the fact that Gubi had already been taken on many of the forums.. so GubiD which was actually Gubi:D .. which is code for smiley. Whatever though. Here is a screen shot of something that I programmed yesterday during the down time. Look if you must.
Image Link!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Long time no see, eh?

Well, I decided that I would try to take another crack at blogging and see if I can keep it up. We will see, eh? Anyway, life this year has been very interesting. I have been sucked into the many things that development does here at work. Much of it actually isnt that bad. Regardless it is something that I dont mind doing. Not to mention, I am still hourly so if I work long hours I still get paid for it. Anywho, I try to spend most of the day working on my SHPR's and what not, but find myself delving into video game programming to fill the gaps. I am sure that I could probably do a little more to keep myself busy, but sometimes this can be a very stressful job. Mainly when its release time and I have over 50 shpr's and half of them are stupid questions from stupid people.. (i am not going to say names... cause they are special and might get offended) Life at home has been good, me and Rachel are in the process of replacing the carpets in the house and we will be doing the cabinets within the next month... I hope. So in otherwords, we are replacing about half of the house and it isnt going to cost a huge fortune... not huge, but a small one. I have also been quite active in game programming websites, most notibly and I am known as GubiD to all the gentle folk.. unless its GamingWorld, there I am GemeniX13. Anyway, working on some pretty shnazy new updates for my system, and have undertaken a project with someone else, because my art skills suck. I need some good realish/anime type characters and stuff done for mine, however I dont have the time to learn how to do all that now. I have given myself a goal for the year though... and that is to get better at doing graphics. I think my first step is to start drawing again. I used to draw all the time, but I was always more of an observation artist. I cannot really draw from my imagination as well as I would like to think. Usually I start it as one thing... then think, that looks more like a... and then start drawing that and realize that it does look like the first thing and then continue playing bad mitten like that until I get a finished product. Well, I suppose that is enough of my mindless talking and bad punctuation and run-on sentences.

