Life Is As You See It

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Work/Home/School - how to juggle?

So I have taken it upon myself to try and create a tool that would go through and uninstall image completely from the machine. I guess I am the only one ambitious enough to do it. I guess the good thing is that it helps put my foot in the door for a programming position. Although I am still not sure if that is what I want to do.
Rachel has been urging me to go back to school. My response tends to be raising my shoulders and saying "I dunno dear, I think it would be great, but do we have the time." This is my excuse. Problem is, that life without school is pretty busy. I dont know that I could handle school and work? Anyway, I guess I just need to get over this and do it before I am 30, which isnt that far away.
I will be 25 on Saturday this week. Woohoo! Insurance premiums go down baby! At least that is the only thing I get to look forward to except for what Rachel got me. I am kinda surprised. Normally she cant wait to tell me what she got and so I end of getting it early, but not this time. She must be having a really ruff time, or she closed it in a closet and forgot about it. Well, guess I better get to work.



  • << I guess I am the only one ambitious enough to do it.


    Programming is tough. It really is a whole different world. It is a lot for me to wrap my mind around.

    Tomorrow is payday Friday!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:46 AM  

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