Life Is As You See It

Saturday, July 08, 2006


So Superman was pretty good, although if you ask me putting on those goggels and taking them off was more of a hassle than it was worth. Anyway, after the movie we Rachel, Eric, Kim, Jeff, and his date Laura went to Joes Crab Shack, where Eric protested that he has got crabs, or would like them at least. The joking continued to degrade more and more until Eric actually started to play with his crab (I Pinch). Jeff being the elustrious man of equipment, happended to have the ability to record a movie of such entertainment. So when he comes into work on Monday, you must ask him for Eric's, "I Pinch" movie. Other than that there were lots of comments geared towards wenches, wooden legs, booty, sheaths, and the usual perverted jokes. Which by the way, Eric called me perverted... Although, if you ask me, I dont think he has a lot of room to talk. Anyway, it turned out to be a pretty good day. After all that, I came home and tried to sit on my butt, then watered the lawn and watched Firewall with Rachel.

P.S. We sat in front of a certain J named person while at the movie, me nor Rachel made any comments, but as for our other companions in crime, they performed excellently. I am sure that Rachel will embelish more details when she gets around to it.


  • This post is golden! I can't buy this kind of writing.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:41 AM  

  • Yeah, you can. I will sell it to you, framed, for $10. Does that sound reasonable?

    By Blogger Gubi, at 8:18 AM  

  • stick it to him martin

    By Blogger Eric, at 12:29 PM  

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