Life Is As You See It

Monday, June 26, 2006

Life as a jail bird (Part 2)

The story continues...
I remember that we were at home and I was playing this wicked awesome sweet SNES game called Zelda when suddenly there was a knock that disturbed my nintendo playing experience. I was downstairs and in the last bedroom. The walls were still bare, and made of concrete. The only thing sepating me from the downstairs living room was the framed 2x4's that made a rectangle called the bathroom. I quickly paused the game to find what was causing this great clatter. Upon reaching the door, I opened it quickly to see 2 large men in black and a third wearing the county police uniform, brown and green in color. His hat large and brimmed with the police logo. I asked them what this was about. The men stood silent for a moment.. then answered, "Have you seen your father?" I answered in a hurry as my mother had taught me. "No". The men asked for my mother. I directed the men to the back yard where she was working in the garden. The men simply walked away without saying a word. It seemed as though they talked for hours in the back yard, and then they left. My mother came into the house quite distraught and went straight to the room. All of us were affraid to ask what had happened. Later that night my mom was loading some of our belongings into the mobile home. I guess I was just neive to the situation. We were packing to go on the run. My dad showed up riding his motorcycle and looked as though he had been camping, quickly got in the motor home and we drove out of town. I dont recall what was talked about, but I do remember what we did. We drove down into Arizona then into new mexico, then through the four corners into colorado. I recall that my mom said when we were in Denver that we had a cop following us for about 20 minutes. She said that my dad was sweating bullets. We continued to drive into wyoming and then to Idaho, then finally into Montana, where we meet with some of my dad's friends. I remember that we hid in the mountains for about 3 weeks before we came down. We all drove to the air port in montana and I remember everyone being sad that my dad was being taken away and I didnt understand why. I honestly dont recall crying when it all happened. The plane took off in the clear sky and on the TV a report saying that there was an earthquake in St George that had caused some problems. We got in the car and started to drive home. I recall watching the air plane that my dad was on, fly off into the distance.
I recall arriving back home and packing everything we could get. The government had siezed our property and we were giving the ability to gather clothing and some objects from the house and call for a ride, because they also took the motor home. There were 11 of us including my mom. I dont know exactly how it played out, but we moved to middleton, which is a suburb of St Greorge. I lived there for about 1 yr, with alot of good memories. It was then that my dad was to appear in court in Salt Lake.


  • That distance is fantastic!!!

    Seriously i'm sort of jealous of the story

    I know it may be mean but i love hearing this story - it never gets old

    By Blogger Eric, at 4:17 PM  

  • You know its intereasting you made it all the way through all those states yeat eric made it as far as one block. Good thing eric didnt do anything really bad he'd be screwed.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:59 PM  

  • Martin,

    Holy god. This is an awful story. I'm sorry that all this shit happened to you.

    Thanks for a moving post. Very well done.

    I too remember Zelda and Middleton. I lived on 1800 East. Ah, 1800 East, good times.

    You are a great American!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:30 PM  

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