Life Is As You See It

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well, today we are going to be going to Alex's first T-Ball game. I am excited to see how he does. He is so excited to play, although he doesnt like to run or even stay on bases. We will see how he does with this, but either way, it should be fun.

We have now been back from our trip for awhile and I still havent posted pictures and due to the current time restraint I wont post any, but in the very near future I should be putting up my favorite pictures from the trip. Most of you have already seen them, but for you that havent and would like to before the next blog post, feel free to visit my share, then browse to the 'vacation pictures' folder.



  • BTW brandon, the 250 gb will be used explicitly for gaming pleasure/storing all sorts of images. (Nothing bad) Other than a couple of hacks or something. Well enjoy. Later.

    By Blogger Gubi, at 4:02 PM  

  • << "(Nothing bad)"

    Hmm. You know me too well.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:12 PM  

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