Life Is As You See It

Monday, May 15, 2006


So I figured that for a good family night activity that we would g0 fishing. Rachel totally loves fishing. We went to Vivian park in Provo Canyon. We caught 2 fish, both with Rachel's pole. She was stoked about it. The kids were excited to see the fish as it was being pull in, but then they wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole. It was good fun though. I think we all had fun. So yesterday evening I installed our swamp cooler, and realized that the smell of the swamp cooler is less than desired. I need to do some major cleaning on it to make it good and clean. Hope everyone else had a good day. I almost had eric take a call when he only had 5-10 minutes left of his shift. I was having a hard time deciding whether he should or not, but then I found that a certain G named person who likes to delete software registry keys was available, and asked him to instead. Either way, it needed to be resolved. I have a number of calls that I need to make tomorrow. Some of them are going to be uber exciting. Some of them are very angry clients, and others are just follow up, but it is the angry customers I have to worry about. I always try to stay away from being defensive, but have a hard time thinking of what they might actually be feeling about the whole situation. I can help it. When people accuse me/company, we know they are in the wrong, right? Not always the case, but I hate to give up part of our bonus checks to pay for this Dr's week vacation to the Bahamas. (Same amount as having a tech in the office for 5 hours.) Well, off to bed. Later


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