Life Is As You See It

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Week End

Well, I think that this week end was pretty good. I got to laze around the house for the first day and part of the second and the other part of the day was a party. That was pretty cool. Rachel got me a World of Need for Speed, which is awesome, because it has nearly every need for speed game that was released for PC, at leat the newer ones that is. I havent even started on the other games yet, I am still working on Need for Speed Underground. Other than than, Rachel also got me Chronicals of Narnia, which I am really excited to see, because I have been asking her to go to the movies and see it or others, but its not a chick flick and its not a scary movie, so it will have to wait. I mowed my lawn for the first time this year also, it looks pretty dang good. I am quite satisfied with myself. Anywho, I need to finish getting ready for work so enjoy. See ya!


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