Life Is As You See It

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Job Posting

So , I realized that today was the last day to put in for ChAdams job, and figured that I would go for it. I was lucky enough to even have one of the developement department members come down and ask me personally if I had applied, simply because they think I am a good canidate. Todd was telling me that he wants whoever to get it, come out of our dept. I can completely agree with him. If this doesnt go to anyone in our dept, that kinda leaves us in the mud right? Its kinda like StrongBad said "42 lbs of aledgidly portable computing power." You can put a new engine in the car, but you are still high centered. Well, hope that anyone else who applied gets a good shot at it. I think that I would rather have this job instead of the trainer postition, both would be good though. They both give great carrier options. Anyway, later.


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:22 PM  

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