Life Is As You See It

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Im Back!

Well, the vacation was a blast, except for the long hours of driving and back cramps from doing so, but either way it is nice to be back home again. I kinda dislike living out of a bag, at least for long periods of time. It is hard to keep that whole sane factor. So yeah, pictures, I would love to post a bunch of the pictures up, but there is a problem with that. All the pictures are on the laptop which happens to have conveniently lost the network card dongle thing for. So I cannot get them off of it. So instead, today I will be bringing my laptop HDD into work to take all the pictures off. Then I will be bringing them home on my new 250gb HDD's that should be there. Yea! Hopefully you all had a great week. I will be seeing you all soon. Later.


  • << ... my new 250gb HDD's ...

    Cool. As in more than one? Wow, that could store a lot of ... work releated stuff ... yeah. *shifting eyes*

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:53 AM  

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