Life Is As You See It

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Slow Day

So I was working up stairs and found that in the morning things were still a little slow. So I decided to browse some blogs, and what do I find... Absolutely nothing. There really hasnt been any funny comments or anything, at least not until I read Kr5is' blog about the "Time O' Month Red' Crayon. I am trying to find something to post about everyday. Its kinda hard to think of something funny or interesting for everyone to read. I guess on the other side of things I could tell everyone about what is going on in my home life. The truth of it is, its all been kinda routine stuff. Goto scouts on Wed, Work on the Yard, Thur or Friday or sometimes mondays. Watch a couple of movies and keep an eye on the kids while they butch up the place. I dont know. Seems pretty tidious to me. I guess I am just stuck in that little rutt called life.
Good news though from the work side. The latest release for Dent!x is being released. We might be shipping all the beta offices this week. Currently there are only 2, but we have made some changes and will be shipping to 160 of them. Hopefully we should be able to get all the issues noted and updated ASAP so that it can be officially released, and they can start working on other things.. Like !mage. So yeah, I hope you have enjoyed my neandering.


  • Having to come up with something funny everyday is hard. That's why comic strip writers have nervous break downs and stop creating and just sell books (The Far Side & Calvin & Hobbes.
    But if you only need to be funny everyonce and while you'll be okay, like Dave Barry, his article is only once a week and he takes vacations. So don't be so hard on yourself if you suck at being funny. Not everyone can hack it. :-)

    By Blogger Victor, at 7:37 AM  

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