Life Is As You See It

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Story Line - Ultria

This is quite a read, but its worth it. This is the storyline as I have it right now. I havent gone any further than this yet, but for any of you on the network, you can access the doc in my VIC folder. As for the rest, I will post updates here every once and awhile. btw 5, what was you email address? Just send it to mine.

I would like to hear any feedback you have on this, and please dont just say "that was awesome" or "That was dumb, learn how to write" because I want constructive critisism on this so that I can better it. Thanks alot all.

There I was sitting in my office when I received the call of my life. I was going to work for my best friend, Charles Domier, in Clements as a lead Archeologist. He happened to be one of the best Archeologist in the known world. This would be great for going further into my career, I thought.
It had been nearly 2 years working for him before I was allowed to go do on-site archeological digs. This was all that I had ever dreamed of. We recently went on a dig in the western region and found artifacts from an ancient civilization. I was told that I would be the lead in the lab work. It had finally happened. I was the lead on a very high profile investigation.

Chapter 1
(The Call)
It was a late day at the office when Sheila walked into my office. “Excuse me Alex, Charles is on the line 1 for you. He said it was urgent.” She said. I gave a simple thank you and picked up the phone. “This is Alex” I said. Charles responded having a gleeful sound in his voice, “You will never guess what I just found.” I had to stop and think for a minute and responded saying “What did you find a whole city or something?” “Nope” he said, “Even better than that.” “What could be better than that”, I thought to myself, “Ok, what is it?” “I am not really sure, but I bet it is better than 10 uncovered cities.” Charles responded. “Alex, I will be flying you down here in one week, so get your stuff ready and prepare to be amazed.” He said.

Chapter 2
There I was standing in the Clements airport when the intercom said with a calm soothing voice, “Now boarding flight 412 to Veldios.” This was a very welcome phrase, as I had been waiting for nearly 2 hours at the gate. Apparently there was some bad weather to the south that was causing people problems. Longest cold streak then have ever had in that region. I handed them my ticket and climbed on the plane. It was a long flight to Veldios from Clement. Clement was considered the largest city in the western region and Veldios was far to the north. Since there was no way to get there on land unless you wanted to take your life in your own hands to try and cross the brown abyss. I had been studying the information that I was sent by Charles since I had left. The pictures of the object were amazing. It was a metal structure that not even our metal detectors would locate. The structure also had markings on the outside that I had never seen before. They resembled that of the ancient Tremornites that colonized the northern continent eons ago. There was something about this structure that would not leave me alone. I arrived in Veldios about 23 hours later and went straight to the structure which was about 1 days travel north to a small establishment called Quail Creek. Near the Quail river that separated the northern and southern regions.

Chapter 3
I arrived in the small town and it was getting late. I could see the illumination of the dig lights over the hill just outside of the city. I was surprised when talking with the towns people that no one knew what was going on at the dig site. I decided to head straight over to see what Charles had told me about. When I arrived at the gates there was a lot of security personnel. I had to travel through 3 check stations before I could even talk with Charles. When I spoke with him he said, “This thing is so strange. There is absolutely no entrance that we can find. We even tried to use dynamite to breach it, but it just won’t budge.” “Not even dynamite?” I responded “That would make it stronger than any known metal.” “Right! So what do you think, better than 10 cities?” Charles said almost mockingly. “Well” I said, “where is this structure?” “Come on” he said, “Its right over here.” Charles lead me through a series of corridors and past several more security points before we finally came upon the structure. Charles took me to a small airplane on the east side of the structure and we proceeded to take off and fly over the dig site. It was massive, they had to purchase over 100 acres from the town in order to dig around the object it was so large. They still haven’t found where it ends. It looked like a very large marble, deep and complex, although simplistic in shape. It was black and had various engravings on it that looked foreign to even the ancient Tremornites that inhabited this area long ago. We returned to the landing strip and decided that there wasn’t anything else we were going to be able to do this late at night. Charles introduced me to Hugh the military security specialist, he was tall and had a very chiseled frame to him. He had a large foreboding jaw with a small amount of stubble on it. His eyes were narrow and a dark blue. They seemed gentle although mean at the same time. “So you are the infamous Alex?” he said laughing in my direction. “Charles has told me a lot about you.” He continued. “That is a loaded statement and you know it.” I said in return with sarcasm. Charles chuckled and said “Hugh, will you please escort Alex to his quarters?” with a smile on his face he said “I didn’t realize you needed me for an escort service.”, then pointed his arm and said “Right this way Alex.” He lead me to an old hotel that brimmed the dig site and without gesture he directed me to room on the second floor that overlooked the dig site on the northern side. It was a very plain room, it had a small desk in the corner with a bed that seemed to take up the remaining space. There was a small closet in which to put things. “We will see you in the morning” Hugh said as he was walking out the door. Due to the length of the day, I simply retired.

Chapter 4
It was morning and the sun was just starting to peek through the window. The soft orange rays of light lit up the little room and gave it that ‘home away from home feeling,’ even with everything I had sitting in a little bag in the closet. The previous day had left me to sleep restlessly. I got out of bed with great anticipation of what was going to happen during the day. I quickly dressed myself and ran to the lobby of the old hotel. At the bottom of the stairs awaited a slender looking woman wearing a light brown jeans and a blue t-shirt. She wore glasses that looked very much like they might be antiques. Her face was very round, which supported her small nose and a childish grin. “Alex I presume” she said. “My name is Julie, and I will be your assistant during your stay.” “Great, where do we begin?” I said with a happy attitude. “We should she Charles for some guidance. He should be at the directors station. Its on the first uncovered part of the structure.”
I arrived at the directors station only minutes later. Charles was fairly busy and only had a minute to talk. “I will need you to help with the excavating on the west side of the structure. They may send you on some errands but I want you to keep in mind what we are dealing with.” “You mean that we don’t know?” I said, “Yes” he said in reply reluctantly. He motioned me to get on with my job with a flick of his hand. I took the truck and left promptly.
Chapter 5
Nearly 2 weeks had passed, but still no entrance to the structure was found. We had excavated nearly 2.5 miles and yet still nothing that would resemble an entrance. It was just a large barely even rounding object. It was beginning to look as though an entrance was not going to be found. It was not late at night and I went to talk with Charles about what should be done. I knocked on the door numerous times, but no answer. “Charles are you there?” I said, but still no reply. I opened the door slowly and entered saying “Charles are you here?” Still the silence continued. The room was still dark, but with the moonlight shining through the window you could see no one is here. I promptly went to see if he was still at the directors station. Upon arriving Julie came out. “Hey Alex, have you seen Charles?” She said. “I am looking for him also” I explained. “I checked his quarters but no one was there.” I continued. “Maybe he is still at one of the dig sites?” she said. “We should ask Hugh if he has checked in” she said. “That sounds like a great idea” I agreed. We climbed into the truck I was driving and went to the security station where Hugh seemed always to be. We entered the security station. It was really more of a glorified shack with 2 rooms which they called offices. “Hugh” I said, “Have you seen Charles or has he checked in yet.” “I haven’t seen him and the last dig site just turned in their keys. He should be in his quarters.” He responded. “Well, he isn’t there” I said in response. “He may be down at the pub” Hugh offered. “You should give him a little time to get back to his quarters.” He continued. “Can you please have some of your guards keep an eye out for him.” I said. With this, Hugh nodded in agreement. “I will be in my quarters. If you find anything please let me know.” I said as I walked out the door.

Chapter 6
With the strange disappearance of Charles being only a few days ago, they have appointed me to lead the dig until he is located. I awoke in my quarters 2 days later, still no sign of Charles had been found. I dressed and went down stairs in the normal fashion and met Julie at the bottom of the stairs. I walked out the door and drove the truck to western dig site. We decided that due to how large the structure was that we needed to focus on a particular section. The west side was moving into the hills bordering the town. We are under the assumption that we might be able to find a entrance under there. We arrived early in the morning. The sun was still coming over the horizon and the air was still cool, but was easily bearable with a light jacket. I had climbed down to the leading section of the dig where the designs on the structure were starting to change. Upon getting to the bottom of the dig site I noticed there was a small corridor that had not been uncovered the day before. I walked down the corridor until I reached its end. The designs on the structure were very different to what was seen at the original dig site. They looked more like murals that explained history or past events, far more like the Tremornites commonly found items. There was something odd about this site. The others all seemed to just continue on, but at this one the structure continued to change its designs. This particular design or mural was different than others we had uncovered. It symbolized a blue ball in the middle upon what looked like an alter with a shape standing behind it. “It’s kind of creepy looking, huh?” Julie said as she entered the room. “Yeah, but what do you think it means?” I said in reply. “I am not sure” she said as she walked over to a small table and set her bag of gadgets down. “I have been trying to find a link between this mural and ancient culture and all I can find is one word.” She paused then said softly “Ultria.” The word itself caused me to loose my train of thought and just exhale loudly. “You don’t think this thing might help us find Ultria do you?” “I am not sure” she said sitting down on the little stool in front of desk. “but if it does.” I stopped her short with my hand in the air “It is just a myth!” “For all we know it could really exist” she spouted quickly. “If this really is it, just imagine what it would be worth.” She continued. “I don’t know that we have the proof to say what it is at this time, or even what it means.” I said walking over to her. She stood up and said, “You are afraid of what it is aren’t you?” my response was slow “If it is Ultria, do you think it would happen again?” “Not if we can prevent those who could use it foolishly.” She said. Looking again back at the wall I noticed something different. The blue ball on the wall was glowing. “Do you see that?” I said while grabbing Julies shoulder and pointing at the mural. “What is it?” she said in disbelief. The light grew brighter and started to take a shape. The shape grew larger and took form before our eyes. “Charles” Julie said almost silently. The light stayed for a moment longer then disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Charles now laid on the floor in the fetal position, unconscious. Julie and I ran to aid him as quickly as we could come to our senses. She on the left and me on the right, we carried him out of the corridor to the truck. The other workers stood in amazement as we passed by them to the truck. We laid his limp body in the back seat of the truck and drove him to Hugh as fast as we could. “Call Hugh and let him know we’re on our way.” I said to Julie. She without thought used the Radio to call ahead to Hugh, “Hugh, we found Charles, he appeared out of no where. Get a doctor.” She said in a raspy, caught off guard voice. “You found him!” I heard back over the receiver. “Get him here ASAP” another voice said. “We are almost there” she shouted back.
The security station once quite now there was a large group gathering. “Charles has been found” one of them said. “Can you believe how?” another one said. The truck Julie and I were driving was coming closer, followed by a large dust trail. “Get out of the way!” I yelled. The group immediately parted to allow passage to the security station. The truck came to a halt quickly as I turned for fastest access to take Charles inside. Hugh stepped out of the security station with 4 men that looked like medics at his sides. They were all dressed in white jackets with red crosses on their backs. “He is in the back” Julie said to Hugh and the others. They quickly removed him from the back of the truck using a stretcher and placed him on the ground. “He has a good pulse” one of them shouted holding his had to Charles’ neck. Another one on his other side said “He looks alright” a moment later. “We think he may be in a coma” he continued standing up. “We need to transport him to the hospital for observation.” Another one of them said. “Keep good care of him” Hugh said, “Don’t let anyone see him until I get there.” He added. Hugh then turned around to Julie and I then said “Please come inside and tell me what happened.” The medics carried Charles to an ambulance that was near by and drove off.
We walked slowly into the security station with Hugh. The crowd outside tried to follow but was turned back by the remaining guards in the station. Hugh sat down at his desk, papers scattered everywhere and in no particular order of each other. The little light on his desk was the standard type with the bendable neck. Julie sat down first on the opposite side of the desk followed by me next to her in the still vacant seat to her left. “What happened? Where did you find him?” Hugh said to them. “Well, not really sure where he was, but...” I paused then tried to continue, “We were just about ready to begin work on the structure in the western corridor, when the wall started to glow, and then he just suddenly appeared.” The words were hard to say, but it was done. Julie shook her head in agreement with the statement. “Ok, so what do we do about this?” Hugh replied. “I am not really sure what to do at this point” Julie said. “Do you feel it safe to continue work here?” Hugh said looking at Alex. “We certainly don’t want to risk anyone else getting hurt or whatever it is that happened to Charles.” I said. “First thing in the morning we should go check on him” Julie said. “There will be no visitors” Hugh barked. Hugh sat forward and folded his arms on the desk. “I think it would be best that we cease any further digging until we can figure out what has happened here today.” “I suppose that is probably best, but I would like to continue studying what we have uncovered so far.” I said, “and me as well” Julie added. “Alright, but all other will be removed and sent home until further notice” Hugh said reluctantly. “Is there anything else you need us for?” I asked. “No, that will be all for today” Hugh said. I stood up and walked to the door. “May I see him tomorrow?” I asked finally. Hugh shrugged and said “I’m sorry.” I was so angry that I slammed the door and returned to my quarters.

Chapter 7
(The hospital)
Charles was airlifted to the hospital in Veldios. It was nearing dusk at the end of the next day at the hospital, the sunset was unusually red that evening. The rays of sun light shot through the window illuminating the room and its single chair by the bed that was holding Charles. A nurse entered the room and proceeded to check his pulse and reflexes. He was still completely none responsive. She pulled the papers that hung from the door to the room and recorded her initials, then walked down the hall way.
The sun had now set and yet another nurse went into the room. She walked carelessly to the bed and reached, not even looking at him, for his neck to check his pulse. “Oh my” she said as she touched his skin. She immediately turned to the door and said “Can I get some help in here?” Charles skin was tough as hide, it was nearly completely black in complexion and cold as ice. He still laid limp on the bed although altered heavily. The nurse that had entered before entered, and gasped. “What happened?” she asked. The other nurse responded, “I don’t know, but it doesn’t look good.” She paused for a moment starring at what used to be your average joe on the streets, now twisted and knarled into a hideous beast of black skin. The doctor that was on call walked into the room, and stopped almost instantly, “What happened to him?” the nurses asked. “This doesn’t make any sense.” He said, turning to the nurse that checked on him earlier, “I thought you said his condition had not changed.” “He was fine when I checked him” she said rhetorically.
Just as they were speaking his eyes sprang open, they were glowing a deep blue color. He sat up slowing uncovering his body. His chest was covered in dark scales. The nurses and the doctor rushed over to secure him to the bed, but it was too late. “What are you?” one of the nurses said to him while trying to force him back to the bed. “I am what I am” he said, the voice not his own, deep and terrifying. He arose from the bed effortlessly against the medical staff. He swung his left arm with superhuman strength, throwing the staff across the room. He stood up and walked to the door, not even touching the ground. One of the nurses got up off the floor severely dazed and stumbled to the phone on the wall. “Domier, He has turned into a monster” she said barely able to speak into the receiver.
He walked down the hallway still levitating above the ground. Security guards tried again and again to tackle him to the ground, but he tossed them off without effort. He was entering the main entrance area of the hospital where there we still a large number of patients, the security chief yelled “Everyone get down and out of the way!” The security chief removed his gun and fired at Charles. The bullets stuck him, but there was no sign of pain or discomfort when he was struck. The chief fired again and again, still he did not stop. His chest now covered in his own blood Charles raised his hand, a blue ball of light formed instantly in his palm then shot at the chief security guard that had shot him, and said “Move” in a deep and threatening voice. The blue light had caused the chief security guard and a couple of patients near him to be thrown through the air, clearing his way to the exit of the hospital. Before exiting the hospital he muttered “It must be done” to himself over and over as he walked through the door.

Chapter 8
Sinking, into a sea of sorts, but it wasn’t water. It was glowing a light blue and was a slave to its current. I fought to keep my head above the substance, but it was much like quicksand, the harder you fought, the faster you sink. A large wave swept me under. Although worried of death it seemed somehow tranquil within the substance. Arms still flailing I could not longer get out of the substance. It slowly filled my lungs, although there was no choke or gag reflex to the consumption of the blue substance. The feeling of the substance within me calmed me to stop fighting the current and sink with it. My eyes now content and void of existence slowly closed. Then from behind me a bright light shown. So bright that it hurt to stare, but unable to turn away, I floated closer and closer to its source. A figure was forming in the light. Small at first and growing, it appeared to be human. The figure became more and more clear as I floated, the face was long with a beautiful smile, the eyes a deep brown and intense with emotion, with a eerie blue glow. The face somehow seemed familiar, as if it had been seen everyday of my existence. It was a woman, but I knew not who it was. The hand of the woman reached out for me, I in turned reach to her. The light behind now dimmed to a small shimmer, providing only enough light to see the outline of objects. The blue glowing eyes of the woman grew brighter as if flames were emitting from them. She spoke to me saying… “You must stop him.” The feeling of tranquility left in an instant, and it felt as if I was being sent down a drain, although I could still breath. I was being pulled from her, but there was nothing visable pulling me away. I couldn’t hold on any longer.


  • Looks good Marty, sorry I didn't read it the other night, I was too tired to give you an honest opinion.

    By Blogger Marty's Girl, at 1:12 PM  

  • You had me at Prologue.

    You are a great American. Let me know if you ever need someone to write an installer for you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:34 PM  

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