Life Is As You See It

Friday, September 01, 2006

Funny Quote

For a little background on this. As I am the scout leader for our ward I am helping my scouts with merit badges. One of which is Communications. One of the requirements for this badge is that you must interview someone to find out more about them, their accomplishments and so on. I happened to interview one of my scouts during this process due to an odd number of them showing up. It went similar to this:

Me- Show what is your favorite subject in School?
Him- None really
Me- Do you have a job?
Him- Yes
Me- Where?
Him- Sonic Burgers
Me- How often do you work?
Him- Pretty much everyday
Me- Do you work full time for them then?
Him- Yes
Me- Do you know if they offer you any Benifits?
Him- Yes, I can get a free drink when ever I want it.

I thought this particular response was funny because it shows greatly the generational gap between me(25) and him(16). I only wish that my only thought on benifits would be what free stuff they gave me or not having to think of how you will spend your paycheck months in advance so that you can afford what you want. I just thought it was funny. Hope you enjoyed this random approach to conversation.


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