Life Is As You See It

Thursday, September 21, 2006


As many of you know, me, Spin and others have gathered in the lobby for a couple of months playing board games. I have to say that some of them are fricken cool. It has made me look into getting some. I am looking at 3 games right now... "Ticket to Ride", "Amun Ra", and "Blue Moon City." I dont know if I am looking wide enough. There is like 20 I would like to get, but dang them for being so dang expensive. I think even Rachel would enjoy paying some of them. Trouble is to get her to try them. She really likes "Phase 10" but ...."Only when she is winning." If not, boy o boy is that a fun situation. I have tried the computer approach at this.

Me: Is there a game you would like to play with me dear?
Rachel: I dont feel like it right now. Sides, you would kick my butt.
Me: But if you played it more you would get better, I would even go easy on you.

(Perhaps that was a bad move on my part to say that I would "Play nice" so that she would win, or at least have a chance)

I guess I will just have to borrow a couple of these games from those that have them, and try to coax Rachel into playing them with me.

Then again, Rachel's Aunt likes to play all sorts of different type games. Maybe I should organize a game night at my house.


  • I would suggest getting Ticket to Ride first. It's an easier game... what's called a "Gateway Game" in the Geek Circles that I run in. It doesn't take a lot of thought to play, it has very little downtime, and in a few years, your kidlets will be old enough to grasp the strategy (plus, you can use it to help teach colors and numbers if you play a simplified version of it).

    I don't know about Amun-Re, and as for Blue Moon City... it's highly enjoyable and I'll probably end up with a copy of it sooner or later, but I definitely would go for one of the Ticket series first.

    By Blogger Spinch, at 8:32 AM  

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