Life Is As You See It

Friday, September 15, 2006

Training / Games / Beta

So Scouts have been interesting lately. I have learning all about how the scouts should be doing everything and that I as Scout master am really supposed to be their for encouragement/coaching/guidance, but that is about it. I will say that I have learned a number of things and I think it will help me to be a better Scout Master, as well as person. It kinds sucks to go to all of these meetings instead of staying home with the wife and kids though. I havent really had much of a chance to sit down with Alex or Mikaila for them to show me what they did in school that day. Good news is that the last meeting is this comming Wed, and I couldnt be more happy about it.
In other news, I sat on my computer and opened up an old game. Does anyone remember 'Sim Tower'? I think I played it for about 30 minutes and got bored for then. I cant play that one for hours on end like others. But on top of that I played 'Bahamut Lagoon'. Excellent game and battle system. It was released very late in the SNES period, I think about 1 year prior to n64 coming out. So the game itself didnt do that well, but for RPG fanatics like myself, it is a very enjoyable game. My favorite part about the game is the names... Princess YoYo... Seriousley, who comes up with these names?
In other news, we are going to be sending G 2 beta2 today. Many of the major/minor issues have been resolved. Speed has improved nearly double for Chart on initial and relaunch, and the new treatment planner is 10 times faster also. Almost instant changes. Hopefully with all the new improvements we will see alot more happy people and techs. I think as far as the support depts go, the biggest call will be training, at least that is my hope. Well, later all.


  • A release is rough waters no matter how you dice it.

    Baton down the hatches.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:17 PM  

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