Life Is As You See It

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Holy Cow!

Ok so today and yesterday was quite a mess. Yesterday we were informed that a customer felt that after reinstalling the software on their computer that it caused they data to get erased and installed a completely different version of the software instead. Odd thing is that this was the second customer to ask us about this situation. So after working with support for a couple of hours and doing some research on the issues, we decide to visit one of the problem offices, which happens to be in Bountiful. Myself and a core support tech went to the office and tried to locate any copies of the data and to get the stories straight as to what happened and we found that the software really did have a flaw that was causing problems to happen. This problem has been addressed and was caught before the remaster was sent out, so that is pretty much freakin' good luck on our part. All customers with the first release will have the updated one and this will resolve all concerns but this had me pulling out my hair for the last 2 days. Luckily it was a simple fix and is easy to implement since we were already working on remastering the cd's anyway for other problems. It kicked my butt for 2 days and holy cow! anyway, that is my rant for now.

On another note, please read my suggested storyline below and send me an email or something letting me know what you think of it. Later all.


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