Life Is As You See It

Monday, January 29, 2007

Doyle is now related?

So last night I went over to Brandon's house and had dinner with him and his wife Rachel. After talking for a little while we figured out that Rachel and I are 2nd cousins to each other. Her Grandma is my Grandpa's sister. Funny how being separated just a little causes huge gaps where we dont seem to know anyone outside of our little bubble. Anyway, so I guess that makes Brandon family. Its funny though, because my part of the family are like the black sheep of the Gubler clan and thus why no one really knew us that well. Anyway, long story short, I now have to help them move if they need help or whatever. ~Shudder~, guess it cannot be that bad...

Well, other things in life are going pretty good. We will be looking at a house in Eagle Mountain today that looks fairly promising and we have had a couple of bites on selling our current house. I hope everything goes smoothly. I couldnt bear to have big problems with the sale of ours. That would really suck, because it jepordizes the outcome of a new house. Eitherway, it should be a exciting week.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Later

Friday, January 26, 2007


So yesterday morning my dog (Nila) finally had those puppies I have been telling you all about. Regretfully one of them died last night around midnight. She was so sick, that even if she did survive she was going to have a tough time throughout her life. There are 4 white/golden and 2 black remaining. But on a more upside note, there are still 6 healthy puppies that will need homes in the near future. (I will not have 7 dogs running around, especially in my house!) Anyway, if anyone would like to speak for one, please let me know now. The cost is minimal for my friends, but unknowns it will be $300. The puppies are believed to be full bred Labs, but the father of Nila herself we could never locate her owners to verify if she was full bred for not. So we are calling them 3/4. The below is the best picture I could find of them all.

Anyway, I will see you all at work. Later

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Long Overdue Update.exe

Ok, so I havent been exactly desiring to write a post, but I figured I better keep it up. Last Monday, Rachel had her Gallbladder removed and have been recovering over the last week. It was a rough couple of days, but she has pulled through nicely. We are just hoping that in the very near future all her eating problems will go away. She seemed to get sick over almost any meal, wheather it was greasy or not, although it was worst when it was greasy though. We spend about 9 hours in the hospital that day waiting for her to wake up. Anyway, she is doing much better now and moving around. Oh yeah, did I mention we are going to be moving? We dont know exactly to where at this point, but we are putting our house up for sale today. That is of course, if we can get the real estate agent to answer her phone. Well, I think that about covers it. I could go more in depth and what not, but I lack the desire to do so now, so later.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Check this out!

SO I was browsing around on the mention of the Commador 64 and recalled a game called Dungeon Master. It was the first of D&D style games that used real time battle techniques and so on. This game set the standard for games for about 5 years after it was made. There is someone out there that created a clone of it not to long ago. If you are interested in playing or reading any more about it, check it out at:

Oh yeah, RIP to Dentr!x Dx!mage that has been sold to Dex!s. Although, there may be light at the end of the tunnel. I heard from good authority that there will be a "Hardware" dept that will be coming on soon. Developement managers see most of High Tech support to be absorbed into this new dept. We still have 8 months to find out what will happen with all of this, but good luck to those that wish to stay. I have enjoyed working with you all and hope that we can stay in touch regardless what happens to the dept.