Life Is As You See It

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


For Valentines Day Rachel has lots of things planned. I still have a couple of things to pick up but then we will be ready. Rachel has already showed me a gift she got for me/us. It is a glass brick and on it is engraved, "Marty and Rachel forever" I believe. I would have to take another look at it, but you should catch the main drift of it. What is everyone else out there doing for Valentines day? I know alot of people are kind of putting it off until the weekend, but I think businesses will be plenty busy. What is the next major holiday? You can bet that whatever it is, the all the grocery and novalty type stores will be replacing their seasonal allies the day of valentines. Well, that is enough on business. Later

Check out this guys website... Got some pretty sweet pictures.. This one happens to be one of my favorites. I just wish I could take pictures this good.

At Timp from Cascade

This is probably one of my closest comparisons.. Timponookee

Long time

So I guess I have been slacking quite badly by not making new blog post as often as Doyle would like, but to make ammends with a friend, I shall post.

Life has been kind of crazy this week. Work has been surprisingly busy the last couple of days or even weeks. There is some report that is going all the way to D McKinnely before we as Development have a chance to respond to it. Boy did it turn the heat up on SHPR tracking. Now I must track every current SHPR and its current status just so I can give daily reports on how many SHPR's have come through and so on. Kind of annoying when I think about it. This has been taking up most of my time during the day at work. Other than this, life has been ok. The puppies are started to get playful, which is pretty cool. They are all walking and some are even trying to run(Failing misserably at the moment) and yeah. I hope the weather keeps warm so that I can send the puppies outside to do their business and get them completely house trained. At least that would be a nice thing to have done before we sell them.

Other things going on are that I am not selling my house afterall. I will be remodeling it a bit though. I will be taking the master bedroom closet wall and turning it into to a master bath, then creating a new closet. I also have alot of basic cleanup work around that house that needs to be done. We are going to be trying to improve the yard a little also, but besides that, the big empty lots across the street finally have houses being built on them. They are trying to fit 10 houses in 1.1 acres. In my opinion, that is just too small. I need to have a yard. I am thinking in a couple of years or something, that I will destroy my current house and build a new one in its place. Then I can still be local and have a good size yard and a good neighboorhood.

Well, I am sure everyone is getting a little tired of my mindless knee-andering. Oh yeah, Eric... Update your blog!