Life Is As You See It

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Today was a good day. I got to hear some good new, but best of all is that I dont have to work tomorrow! I will be checking my email and so on when I can, but might now reply quickly. Tomorrow I am going to go to Rachel's Performance at Cottonwood High School. I am going to be the tech guy on the crew and she will just be using those beautiful wind pipes of hers and another cool thing is that she will be going to Wyomming sometime this summer. When there she will have the chance to meet the Prophet. That is pretty sweet. Unfortunately I will have to be at work and wont have that chance. Well hope that everyone has a great day and so on. Will see you all on Monday. Later

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

"I Don't Know"

So today I was working with an escalated office. I have been working with them for sometime, wiating on a SHPR. So I go on up and ask about this SHPR and find out that developement has responding saying something on the lines of "I dont know, why dont you check for antivirus, or maybe just format." I am sorry but if everyone came to me asking me and that is what I responded with it would be no use to come to me. This is the same reason most of you dont submit SHPR's any longer. I am working on a way to import data to an SQL server, without going through developement because it takes #1 to long to get a response and #2 never a good one, from them. So I have resolved to searching the internet for other people with such ambitions. I think I have found it, but it took about 45 minutes of searching on the internet, versus waiting 3 weeks for development to say "I Dont Know." Well, hope you all don't have to resolve to this as well. (Hard to keep from laughing saying that statement.)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

So many pedestrians... So little time

So yesterday rachel goes to a garage sale and finds this gaming package called Carmageddon of whoms slogan is "So many pedestrians... So little time." I think to myself, hey this out to be a pretty fun game. So I go threw and get the game installed (made for win95 might I add) and start driving this pretty cool looking car in which my simple goal is to run anything and everything over. In fact I get more points for hitting more people at once, and doing it with style. I thought that was pretty cool. Game play is a little annoying once you get down to 3 pedestrians left on the map and your goal is to hunt them down and finish the job. But then again, you can go swimming with your car and you somehow find that there are land mines in the bottom of the city sewer lines? Go figure. Anyway, it was a great gift and can be used in other ways. It came with a steering wheel in which I can setup for use in many other games. Sweet. Enough talk, more pedestrians to run over. Bye

PS: All this entertainment for only $10. Oh Right... Gigitty

Monday, March 20, 2006

Dr Dow

This office tends to think that they are the most important thing ever. I have been working with them for sometime. Now they are starting to act like they are really mad and it is ticking me off, and to top if off, I have sent the issue to dev (qa in disguise). They are telling me that there is no way for the problem to occur, but it obviousley is, or else it wouldnt be. (Calm down, calm down...) Ok. I will simply end this post now.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Well, work was yet again another day of busy busy things to do and an interview. I think that I did good on the interview, but you never know. I guess I feel that I need a change of pace. Lately it just seems to be so busy at work. If it is not one thing it is the other. Sometimes I hate having so much responsibility. Sometimes it's nice but others very hard to say that I like it to any degree. I am busy at home also; with juggling scouts and rachel's performances it can be pretty stressful. I try to do my best though and always keep a good attitude about it. Enough of the banter on the subject. cya

Old Tents

Ok, so last night I was helping my scouts settup the troup tents, which are ancient. The tent has like 5 polls and 2 ropes, and somehow this is supposed to make it stand up and sleep 6? After about 1.5 hours of messing around with it. We realized that the 5th pole was not a poll after all, it was more of sleeve, that would hold to other polls together, go figure. Once setup it looks kinda like a Weather Vane or a Antenna. It is expected to be held up by 2 polls, with rope and a bar over the top. Anyway, enough of my ranting. It is now 5:10 in the morning and I am really tired. Some reason I didnt get to bed until it was after 11:00.
I hope that I can do well in todays interview for the support manager for our dept. That would be nice. If I dont get it, I have a good idea who will. Good luck to all who are trying.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Operation Furnace

Well, Operation Furnace was a complete success. I have yet to see the knew motor give us any problems. Not to mention that I was able to fix it using a Hack Saw. That was awesome. Today, my daughter says "Happy Dirt Day To You." One of the funiest things I have ever heard.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Welcome to my blog. I have never done this before and it is a new thing for me. Forgive me if I dont post that often.

This week was extra fun! The furnace in my house stopped working Friday night and so I had to deal with the cold weather outside (Snow) and not having a warm house to return too. It really sucked.