Life Is As You See It

Monday, November 20, 2006

Need a Storyline

So, I have finished the peliminaries of the game as far as menuing and skill learning. I have setup a basic menu that allows you to check current spirit status's and skill learning rates, along with simply abilities, like trading with another players spirit or an unassigned spirit. I have setup the AP system required to learn skills via battles and am now ready to start a storyline and work from that. I am just not sure how to start it though. I am in need of ideas, anyone that would like to contribute, please reply or email me with any ideas that apply to this subject. Well, later all!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Well, we didnt end up going camping, but we still had a fun activity. Since the camping plans fell through, we decided to go to "The Quarry" in Provo, by University Mall. It was alot of fun, we arrived at about 5:30 and were there until about 8:00, at which time we went to Iceberg and got shakes for those that climbed to the top of the climbing corses. We had 2 boys that were affraid of hieghts and wouldnt go above about 15 feet when we first arrived, but at the end, they had all climbed to the top of the climbing corses(About 35-40 feet). I also ended up doing some climbing which was fun as well. Well, hope the rest of you are having good weekends. Will see you on Tuesday! Later.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

GKAS and other happenings

I just signed up to be the technical help & support for GKAS in Feb. I think this year we will make things a little easier, by simply not letting a certian 'N' named person head up everything. I will need some crew member to help me out with some of the stuff, so any body that would like to help just let me know. They should be holding meetings in mid Dec to decided what is happening and what devices we will be using while there for digital imaging.

I have now received the responsibility for dealing with all Internation SHPR's and database scheduling.. I now have to work the wonder from Canada named Brandon. From what I hear, he is a pretty "interesting" person to work with. Something about "Dumb as a board" to quote a person which I will not mention, that kinda scares me about this. If he is as bad as someone from Georgia, I think I might just kill myself. (As Doyle would do also)

I have finished playing all the scenario's they had for me in Strong Hold2. I am now looking at designing my own maps and playing it online. Problem is that I dont always have tons of time to devote to it with family life and other responsibilities. I have enjoyed having the new game and would like to tell Rachel a very hardy "Thank You" for getting it for me. I guess now that I have completed it, I will start working on my RPG project again. I guess I could provide some screen shots, but they are of menus and that is all I have really completed so far. I am still working on a storyline that I can use. If anyone can provide me with some ideas or routes to take with the storyline on this one I would greatly appreciate it. The story I want to use is pretty simple but it defies religion and a number of other things. What I want to say is that the earth was created by "Another Power" and that the earth itself is just a device floating in space. As someone figures this out, they activate the device and the earth is litterally ripped apart, although each part working independantly. Not exactly sure what to do with the story from there. Anyway, just thoughts. Well, later all.

Monday, November 13, 2006


I guess lately I havent really felt that urge to write everything going on in my life. Mainly I guess because nothing really new has been going on. Although, last night my scouts had a "Court of Honor" and I presented the LIFE badge to one of my scouts and 1st class to another, along with a large number of badges to the rest. It was fun stuff, and this next week I get to present my first eagle! I think it is quite cool. Most of my scouts actually want to end up somewhere so that makes life a little easier. Although, I really need to find out where they all currently are so that I can help them a little better. My goal is to take all my scouts from 1st class to eagle during the time that I have them. I know that I probably wont do that with all of them, but I think I can churn a couple out of them. Otherwise, life has been life. Boring and so on. I have been playing Stronghold 2 on the computer and also programming RPGXP games as well. I am making some pretty good progress. I still have a couple of things to work out, but other than that, nothing really. Among other things, E@sy Dent@l will be shipping final this next week. Somewhat of a Thanksgiving present, which will in turn be a early Christmas gift. Anywho, later all.

Friday, November 03, 2006


SOrry that it has taken me so long to put another post up. Life has been so busy lately that it has been hard to find the time to do it. I usually post from home, but since there is no extra time there either, I am doing it here. G 2 was released early last week, and there is 1 outstanding crucial issue and that is a certain DR. This Dr has refused to do the troubleshooting required to resolve this problem, and as such his issue is the only one that stands open. So in light of this they also had me write a Technical Bulletin on the subject so that if other people run into this problem they have the troubleshooting steps required to resolve it right in front of them. Yesterday they had the G 2 release party which was alright. They gave me a pretty cool binder and a G 2 shirt. Its pretty cool. Sometime today or early next week we will be shipping out E@sy Dent@l and then doing final pretty quickly after that. Well, hope you all had an excellent Halloween this year and best wishes to you all. Later