Life Is As You See It

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Crazy Stuff

So this week has been kind of crazy. There were 2 really hot issues that needed fixes this week that litterally kept me busy most of the week. First was because of the new Daylight Savings Time thing. This caused a large number of dentist to call regarding their time clocks and them not punching correctly. So I spent most of the day trying to figure out exactly why it happened and what we needed to do to fix it. And found an old utility created in 2000 that would allow you to setup your own time zones and modify existing ones for all OS's. So using this tool we can correct the problem of translation between the server and client regarding time clock. As for the other thing. I already told Brandon about it, but its fun too. Install the CU1 for G 2 and it removes the appointment book. It was using the 4 = apptbook line in the d t x d a t a . i n f to determine if they user had the apptbook. Then if it didnt exist, would remove the file and reinsert the appt list instead. Very funny from my perpesctive, but support about had a heart attack. Only took about 5 minutes to determine what the problem was, but it was able to be solved quickly. We made them a new CU1 because of it. Anyway, other things are just sort of boring.
Life just seems to inevitibily kick you in the side each time you start to get up again. We were going to refi our house and get a lower payment, but cannot do so without forfiting all our tax money from this year as closing cost. Its that or use it for making payments and hope that some value comes into the home at the end of the year to help out then. Eitherway it will be a tough year as far as money is concerned. The only good news from this is that I will not be moving and thus dont have to deal with the whole moving ordeal, cause it kinda sucks.
OH yeah, for the likes of Eric and others that are amused by such things I will make another post when I can with some pretty funny pictures Rachel and I found while browsing the net. Well, later and enjoy the blogging blogosphere and its bloginess that it has. (dumb i know) well later!


  • I know what you are talking about with the refi. Debt and mortgages isn't fun no matter how you dice it.

    In a few years when I have $700,000 of debt, I'll ask my wife: "Hey, remember 2007 when we were stressed out about $200,000... chump change! HA HA HA!"

    * Plug *

    DoyleSoft Knowledge Base 2.3 released today in case one of your readers is interested in a Knowledge Management program.

    * /Plug *

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:12 PM  

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