Life Is As You See It

Monday, April 09, 2007

Spring Cleaning

So Rachel and I finally decided to do a little spring cleaning over the weekend. I went through my shed and moved out a bunch of stuff, and built a new shelf for storage. Last night between the hours of 7:30pm and 11:30pm was the cleaning session. The house is very much cleaner today, so much cleaner than I have seen it in a while. The kids had a pretty good weekend to, as many of you have already noticed, I brought in a boat load of candy this morning, which happened to be the spoils of a single party. To say the least, the kids have a lot of candy and I dont know how much of it I will allow them to eat. I am in fear of them going into a sugar induced coma... I dont recall me every slipping off into one, but I sure remember feeling sick, due to the amount of chocolate that I ate. I know, lets make a formula.

(Weight x (Lbs of Chocoloate/Time to consume all chocolate)) + 50 (for good measure) = Chocolate Index.

Mine would have to be something like...
(160 x (2 lbs/4 minutes) ) + 50 = 130 (If the chocolate index is greater than 100, you at too much candy.

So, what was your chocolate index over the weekend? And if it pleases you, please lie through your ears!

Oh, yeah... if there are revisions to the formula that you would like to see, please let me know.


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