Life Is As You See It

Monday, March 19, 2007

Nothing to do

So this is probably confirming some suspitions from support and my current job... but dont have any work to do today. I mean, there has been a couple of SHPR's floating around, but that is like 1hr of work for the entire day. I have been doing QA testing on G 3 but because they have been having problems with the build process, QA hasnt passed off any install for like 3 weeks. This means that anything currently being tested will simply have to be retested and so on. In basic terms a waste of effort as there is no guarantee what the program will be like when they get it fixed. Either way, the QA manager asked me to stop doing what I was because it may or may not be resolved in the new build of the software. So because of this, I have very little to do. I mean today I happened to be browsing the internet alot and remoting into my home computer to finish getting everything the way I like it. I even watched a movie and didnt have anything to do. I am trying to do everything I can to avoid playing games or whatever, but it is frickin' hard. I told myself when I got this position and I saw things were getting slow that I would help QA to keep me busy, but now that I cannot follow that avenue, what exactly am I supposed to do? .... Go ahead I am open for suggestions. I have a feeling this is what the entire week is going to be, so the sooner the better. If your suggestion happen to be game playing related, the answer will probably be no, and if I am to just sluff work, that would be great, but not logical. Anyway, I just wanted to complain because I am bored and need something to do. I have read all the blogs and tried to incite comments on most, but you know how that always pans out... Well, later all.


  • Hmm. Sounds like a watered down version of UVSC at night. At around 8:00 PM I get the occasional: "Holy crap! Aren't you bored!"

    "Heck no! This is fantastic! This is the best time of day!"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:07 PM  

  • You could always try to carve yourself a prison shank.

    By Blogger Spinch, at 5:32 PM  

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