Life Is As You See It

Monday, April 02, 2007


So the Scout campout was a pretty nice success and they found tons of geode's and it was quite alot of fun. I came back and the car was completely covered in white mud. It took spraying the car down with the garden house twice and a car wash to make it look better. It still isnt completely clean. I will have to finish getting it cleaned up this next weekend. Although I dont know exactly what we will be doing to know if it will be worth it. I am thinking that we will go camping this Friday and return early saturday, then go to my brother in-laws birthday party or wait until next weekend and go on the 13th and return on saturday in time for my sisters talent show for the miss Pleasant Grove Pagant. Eitherway, I think I will let Rachel decide, because if she doesnt want to go because it will be cold or whatever, I will not force her to do it. Anyway, I spent most of yesterday cleaning up the yard. I mowed the grass and raked the entire lawn. Then I had my brother and his girlfriend over for dinner. It was quite good. I love Rachels potato salad. After that I decided to play my computer (LOTR:Return of the King) game and got further than I have before. Maybe I am a little weird about computer games. I will always play them on the hardest level of difficulty, until I win them before I try an easier approach. Takes forever to beat some games. Anyway, that is pretty much what has been going on. I want to get out and hike to the top of Mt Baldy sometime this week or the next, but I need someone to go with me. I would just take the dog, but with her getting fixed, I dont think a 6 mile hike is the best thing I could do for her at the moment.


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