Life Is As You See It

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Overview of Life

Ok... 1 life story coming up.

I was born on April 15th in a small town/village called Apple Valley (Which recently got its own Grocery Store!) We lived in a literal hole in the ground. Unfortunately I dont have any pictures on hand but they will be provided at a later time. My first memory that I can think of was my 5th birthday party. I dont even remember much about it other than my mom had made some home made vanilla ice cream and there were alot of people there. Around the age of 7-8 I remember hearding cattle and other farm related duties. (Like milking the cow at 5:00am) At age 9 we moved out of the hole and into a Doublewide trailer(we were moving up in the world!) I think that year at Christmas we were poor enough that we didnt even get a tree, but I happened to own a small hatchet and had plenty of determination. I went out to Gooseberry (Another subdivsion of Apple Vally and chopped down a small tree and dragged it about 4 miles home. My parent were happy but mad at me at the same time. (Guess the land owner saw me and wasnt happy) So anyway, that spring we started building our new house, which the MariJ stuff started. That fall I finally attended my first year of school at Hurricane Elementry in the 4th Grade. I was old enough to be in 5th, but I didnt know multiplication so they left me there. The house was completed that Winter. Since my mom was about ready to pop with my little sister Carolyn, I remember that all the Christmas presents were in the more luxurious mobile home, and this is when we received our first SUPER NINTENTDO. I even have some home videos of us in the mobile home with my older brothers playing Super Mario, since that is what came with the device. It was about 1 or 2 months later that I noticed there was a room in the basement that we werent supposed to go into and it was constantly locked. (I realize now that it was the nursery for all the money making plants my dad had.) Later that spring, after school, we moved out to a little hole in the wall place called Paragoona. For more information on this section please see my old post... After the big run we had returned Apple Valley and were forced out of the home with nothing but the clothes on our backs and whatever money we had. My Grandma Gubler happened to have a house in Middleton, a subdivision of St George right next to hers, for rent. We moved in there and lived there for 2-3 years. I have a lot of stories about things we did there. Pranks and everything. Other than that I went to the 5th grade at the closest Elementry school, and attended the St George 6th grade center and 7th grade at middle school. In 6th grade I decided that I wanted to play an instrument and started playing the trombone. I was apparantly pretty good at it. During my 7th grade year, my mom was going to the local college and met a guy by the name of Vern. It was about 6 months of conflict with my older brother before he finally moved in with us, but he wanted to attend school at UVSC because they had some better classes or something, so we moved to Orem. This was about the time that We had our first computer. It was a shake up computer running Windows 95 that had some of the coolest games we had ever seen. At least to us they were. I went to 8th grade at Orem middle school and met this cool guy named Kristopher Harrison. Unfortunately I dont remember too much from that time except that I think he and I did a english project together about finding some gold or something in Provo Canyon. (wow was that vauge) Not to long after this we moved to highland, and I went to 9th grade at Mountian View middle for the first half of the year, this is when Vern started at this little company called Dentr!x. I remember that he always worked the 6:00am shift. Mainly because he wouldnt let us play games in the morning, so we would wait until he left, and then get on them until we had to leave for school. This is when me and my brothers took up other games like D&D and Magic. We were actually so into that type of game that we created our own. We happened to store this game in a red book, so it lovingly got called "The Red Book Game." We actually sat and played this game for ours on end for weeks until someone got big enough to kill everyone else. If you need a description of how the game played or the basics, let me know. So to move on, we moved to the northern part of PG (Manilla) and I finished the school year out at PG Middle. (I met Eric this year, but we werent really friends, but more of acquaintances.) I was way exited to go to high school, because I had friends from both Mountian View and PG that would be attending Lone Peak. I went to school there for my Sophmore and most of my Junior year, I was being forced to move once again. We moved to Lindon and Was on the high school border of PG and Timpanogos. At this time I wanted to goto Timpanogos because they had alot of the same classes and so on as I had at Lone Peak, but forces prevailed and I went to PG. (I had to drop 3 of my favorite classes and take up ones I didnt like as much.) I finished my Junior year out at PG and spent the summer working multiple jobs. I started to work at Carl's Jr and this indipendant business. The indipendant business was only for a few months and hours were from 8-2 and then I would head to Carls Jr, and work from 3-12. At least that was the scheduled shift at Carls Jr, but most often we didnt get out of there until 1-2, latest I remember was 3am. So school started up again and I was still working at Carls Jr Full time. I was taking the hardest classes they had to offer too. It wasnt long before I relized this wasnt the best combination, but being as I was, I droped some of the hard classes and kept working. I was talking AP Physics, AP Chemistry, AB Calculus, AP Spanish and AP English.. Once I dropped some of the classes I was only taking... AB Calculus and AP Spanish (Easy Class!). Literally betten Physics, Chemistry and Calculus there was no time left in the day. Each class said, "Its only 2 hrs of home work a day," well when I do the math that adds up to 6 hours a day just for those 3 classes. That doesnt leave much time for anything else, yet alone work. It was later that year that I met Rachel. We were introduced to each other by a mutual friend Sherry. At first I will have to say that Rachel seemed to me a little out there. As in that she was way energetic and busy with her own stuff. I was actually able to talk to her when she wasnt around Sherry and realized it was the power of influence being used on her. She was really quite mello and so on. I asked her to the Valentines dance, since that is what time of year it was. That was our first date. After that we went to a couple of other dances and social things. It was just after prom that I decided I wanted to marry her. We went steady for about 3 more months before we announced it. My mom was not very happy about it and even now she doesnt always seem to fully support us being together. I started to look for other jobs, because I didnt want to be working fast food for the rest of my life. I started working for my Moms boyfriend, Craig, doing manual labor for Boeing in SLC. We were married on Aug 5, 2000 in Lindon and we went on our Honeymoon in Park City. The annoying part of this was that I let my Manager know at Boeing know that I was getting married that next week, but he told me that I still had to be there. So for the first 2 days of our marriage/honeymoon I had to work (Sad huh?). I talked to my manager again and stressed that I would really like the time off becuase of the circumstances and so he reluctantly allowed me to have the rest of the week off. We had a lot of fun the remainder of that week and did lots of stuff in park city. There was this restaruant that we went to that was kinda pricy that served as "Spinich Fettucinne" that was disgusting. I think I ate about 6 bites and then I was done. Anyway, I realized as I was driving to work at 100mph one morning that I was kinda drowsy and having problems keeping awake. (You would too if you had to wake up at 3 just to goto work and return at 4-5pm) I decided it was time to find a more local job. About 2 weeks later I quit at Boeing and started working at Sento doing McAfee Antivirus support. I worked there for almost a year when Rachel had Alex. He was born on 10/4/01, it was later that week when I was "Let go" (You have all heard this story), but because they let me go the day I returned after Rachel had Alex, I decided to stay out of the working force for a little bit to stay home and help Rachel since we had a little bit of backing. We had decided to move out of our appt and in with Rachel's parents for awhile until we would "get our feet on the ground" again. I started working at Convergys doing Microsoft support for Windows 98 and ME. I had applied for Windows 2000, but didnt have quite enough experience for them to hire me. (If I had gotten that I would have been making $4 more an hour, which would have been nice.) With the pay and a couple of months later, we moved to AF in a small 2 bed appt. Either way, I worked on that project for about 4 months and then Microsoft had started to roll out this new product called "Windows XP" that they wanted to train me for. I agreed and trained for it for about 2 weeks via their training program. Rachel and I were sealed in the temple on our 1st anniversary, which made for a very happy year. I went on to become a Senior tech on the Windows XP team and then... India happened. They were starting to move all Windows support to India. I was starting to look for other jobs because I knew that I was on a sinking ship. I decided that I needed to keep the job until I new something else was secured and was looking like a long term solution. It was about this time when Mikaila was born. It was 6/17/03 that Mikaila was brought into our lifes. Ironic thing is that both Alex and Mikaila were born at exactly 8lbs and 20 inches. I kept looking for a new job as Convergys was getting worse fast. My first official day of work/training at Dentr!x was 7/27/03. I continued to work both jobs for about 1 month before I decided I liked Dentr!x. Problem was that pay at Dentr!x was lower than what I was getting at Convergys, so we had to gimp around for a little while. I was starting to raise through the ranks in Easy Dental. I have since worked in the Dentr!x support and HighTech support depts and moved a couple of times. I have been living in PG at my purchased home and I have moved to development at work. Alex is now 5 (as of 6 days ago) and Mikaila is now 3. I dont think that I would take anything back or change anything about my life, except for a little of my childhood. It was a crazy life, but here I am, all in one piece and as happy as can be. Thanks for reading.


  • Wow! Awesome post!

    I think the elementary school you were referring to is: Panorama. I call it the social prison of the small and the weak because... it truly was.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:41 PM  

  • I do remember getting in a fight in the yard during recess one time with a bully.

    By Blogger Gubi, at 6:28 AM  

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