Life Is As You See It

Friday, March 30, 2007

The coming weekend

Well it has finally came to this time of the month. I will be going on a campout with the scouts this weekend at the dougway geode beds. It should be alot of fun. The weather is clearing up and tomorrows forcasted high out there is 63 so it should be an overall nice day. We will be searching for Geodes

which is actually quite fun. Just need a hammer and a shovel and that is about it. I am hoping that we find a bunch of them. Mainly because the scouts have been looking forward to this campout from about last year, when we had to cancel it because of weather. Anyway, today I came in a little early so that I could get out of here and finishing getting everything ready.

Yesterday I asked for some additional responsibilities because I was starting to get bored at work again. So I have been asked to take over all enterprise planning meetings. I will be considered the project planner on it. Again, mostly just tracking and making sure things get done that are said they will be. I hope that this will give me a little up when it comes around time for raises again. Oh yeah, we have finally sold all our extra puppies. We now only have 1 left in which we were planning on keeping. She is a good little dog. She is still learning her own name, but is learning quickly. We have been trying to house train her, but as everyone knows, that is a process. That is pretty much what is going on in my life right now.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Check out this clip by SNL regarding MySpace.

MySpace Movie Link

You must watch this outside of work simply because it is hosted from myspace. I will try to find a copy of it so we can host it from the network, but its a little difficult to locate a download of this one.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Picking Up

Well, to the anstonishment of all. My days are become more busy again. Yesterday and the day before I had to deal with Australia support and a problem we didnt realize was there, but would have expected them to find after 1 yr of beta, but hey, whatever... right? Long of the short is that the database detection program was being run from the local folder instead of the install folder. Copying the new one into the local folder resolves the concern. New installs were made and shipped to them yesterday. On the other hand, they finally got the G 3 install working, so I can finally resume QA testing of it as well. For a couple of days there, I was going quite literraly insane. The good news is I made it through it.

Today I will be going with Alex and Mikaila on their field trip to the Living Planet Aquarium in SLC. There is alot of pretty cool stuff there and I am interested in seeing what they have. Also, next weekend I will be going out to the Geode Beds of Dougway with the Scouts. It should be fun. Many of you guys have already seen some of the geodes that Matt and I recovered from there last week. Anyway, it is nice to have work busy again. If many of you know me, I go absolutely crazy if I dont have something to do, especially if I am getting paid to be there. I will go out of my way to find something effective to do. Although, Doyle on the otherhand likes the nice quietness of no job responsiblities. Well, later all.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Nothing to do

So this is probably confirming some suspitions from support and my current job... but dont have any work to do today. I mean, there has been a couple of SHPR's floating around, but that is like 1hr of work for the entire day. I have been doing QA testing on G 3 but because they have been having problems with the build process, QA hasnt passed off any install for like 3 weeks. This means that anything currently being tested will simply have to be retested and so on. In basic terms a waste of effort as there is no guarantee what the program will be like when they get it fixed. Either way, the QA manager asked me to stop doing what I was because it may or may not be resolved in the new build of the software. So because of this, I have very little to do. I mean today I happened to be browsing the internet alot and remoting into my home computer to finish getting everything the way I like it. I even watched a movie and didnt have anything to do. I am trying to do everything I can to avoid playing games or whatever, but it is frickin' hard. I told myself when I got this position and I saw things were getting slow that I would help QA to keep me busy, but now that I cannot follow that avenue, what exactly am I supposed to do? .... Go ahead I am open for suggestions. I have a feeling this is what the entire week is going to be, so the sooner the better. If your suggestion happen to be game playing related, the answer will probably be no, and if I am to just sluff work, that would be great, but not logical. Anyway, I just wanted to complain because I am bored and need something to do. I have read all the blogs and tried to incite comments on most, but you know how that always pans out... Well, later all.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Crazy Stuff

So this week has been kind of crazy. There were 2 really hot issues that needed fixes this week that litterally kept me busy most of the week. First was because of the new Daylight Savings Time thing. This caused a large number of dentist to call regarding their time clocks and them not punching correctly. So I spent most of the day trying to figure out exactly why it happened and what we needed to do to fix it. And found an old utility created in 2000 that would allow you to setup your own time zones and modify existing ones for all OS's. So using this tool we can correct the problem of translation between the server and client regarding time clock. As for the other thing. I already told Brandon about it, but its fun too. Install the CU1 for G 2 and it removes the appointment book. It was using the 4 = apptbook line in the d t x d a t a . i n f to determine if they user had the apptbook. Then if it didnt exist, would remove the file and reinsert the appt list instead. Very funny from my perpesctive, but support about had a heart attack. Only took about 5 minutes to determine what the problem was, but it was able to be solved quickly. We made them a new CU1 because of it. Anyway, other things are just sort of boring.
Life just seems to inevitibily kick you in the side each time you start to get up again. We were going to refi our house and get a lower payment, but cannot do so without forfiting all our tax money from this year as closing cost. Its that or use it for making payments and hope that some value comes into the home at the end of the year to help out then. Eitherway it will be a tough year as far as money is concerned. The only good news from this is that I will not be moving and thus dont have to deal with the whole moving ordeal, cause it kinda sucks.
OH yeah, for the likes of Eric and others that are amused by such things I will make another post when I can with some pretty funny pictures Rachel and I found while browsing the net. Well, later and enjoy the blogging blogosphere and its bloginess that it has. (dumb i know) well later!

Monday, March 12, 2007


So as many of you know we have a modest litter of 6 puppies that our dog Nila had in Janurary. We decided this weekend to start building a dog house in order to help with the overflow of canine sort. I spent from about 10:00am to 5:00pm building it, and it looks pretty good. Its gives a large amount of additional room and luxury vs the old dog house. The old dog house was 7 pieces of partical board with 2x2s to hold it together. To say the least there has been a big improvement. We decided to go out and have some Chili's that night which was good as always. When we were there our server totally has a lispe. It was kind of interesting because I have never met anyone who has no choice but to do it. Anyway, that is enough of the random and deranged. Oh yeah, my computer at home has been having some interesting problems and I pinpointed it last night. I contracted a virus about 1 week ago that was discovered 3 days ago and started being recognized. I guess I can say that I was on the leading edge of the virus world. I need to finish getting rid of it, because it causes your computer to just drag like no other and reload the windows explorer randomly which is very annoying, especially when you are trying to remove it. Anyway, later all.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Fun Weekend

So last weekend turned out to be pretty good. I went sleding with my scouts at Tibble Fork, and it was quite fun. Later Saturday I went to the Pizza Factory and watched Reno 911 with Rachel. It was entertaining to say the least. Not really as quotable as I was thinking it would be. I mean you got to see some pretty funny stuff and on the other hand, some party were too graphic. Anyway, that was my weekend. How was yours?