Life Is As You See It

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Busy Busy

To say the least, I have been really busy at work these last couple of weeks. There is a issue where G 2 will just not open for some clients, but only on specified computers. It appears that the problem is tied to performance counters setup by the operating system to increase the overall productivity of the machine. Its not a programming glitch as far as D3ntrix is concerned, but a Microsoft .Net problem. It has been reported by many many different applications and Microsoft's only solution? upgrade to .Net 2.0. Problem is in order to do that requires rewriting of the D3ntrix software and retesting the entire product, which would be a huge cost to the company to resolve a couple of customers having the problem. Well, to make a long story short, in the process of finding this out, I had created a backup of the customers HDD, but the backup I had created was for some reason faulty. (But the drive image software didn't mind telling me that until I was trying to restore it to the computer.) So I have been spending the last 3 days trying to find a way to get all the data back in the original condition, and thats a tough process. I think I have found a solution, but it will require yet another day of playing with it. Once it is working I will use a completely different HDD to do the testing so that there is no more chance of the customers computer getting something screwed up. Anyway, I had to sit on that over the weekend which made it a little less enjoyable that I could have hoped. I did have a good one though. The weekend was pretty busy also, first it was over to Rachel's parents for a "Sod Party." We did his entire back and side yard in about 4 hours. I then went home and mowed the lawn, then left on a date with Rachel. We went to see "Perfect Strangers," it was a pretty good movie. It had thrill, suspense, and a surprise at the end that changed your views of the entire movie. I guess that is what happens when you only tell part of the story in the beginning instead of just laying it all out on the table, but then again, that is the art of story telling. Anyway, I am sure that you are all bored of my endless rambling so I will go, but after a sort note. Doyle and his Hun(Rachel) came over for dinner on Sunday, we had a lot of fun talking about various things and had many many laughs over stupid things. Rachel(Doyle's Rachel) said that perhaps she could stay home with Doyle 2.0 if he were to take a 3rd job, but that didn't sit well with him. Something about, "Working is for the bee's" or something. Anyway, now I will leave you all alone.


  • You and I need to start some fabulous gaming and software sites and crack the top 100,000 of all Internet sites...

    Then, maybe work will be fun again...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:54 AM  

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