Life Is As You See It

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

So Brandon says...

So earlier today Jesse had commented on how everyone was a butt pirate of some sort. I happened to search the internet for such a phase to find a contest to mess up the name of Pirates of the Caribian: Dead Mans Cheast, As much as possible, while keeping close to the name. I found a couple but there was a comment under one that stood out to me. I sent this quick little phrase to everyone in reply, and Brandon is amazed by its content and promptly asked how I had so much time on my hands to think of something like that. I told him that between meetings and all the SHPR's that they submit it makes for a busy day, hence why I ended up searching for the item. Anyway, it has been a lot busier up here since we shipped beta. I have to keep a spread sheet of every reported issue, that is quite a lot if any of you know beta. Anyway, guess I better get back to work.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Busy Beta

Well, with the release of beta on g 2 it has been extremely busy and at the same time I have been creating slide shows and handouts for the T3(Train The Trainer) summit comming up next week. I hope that the training and everything goes well. I will bring down a CD with everything on it so that you can tell me what you think, if you are interested of course. Anyway, go to go home. Later

The Internet

Might I recommend that everyone visit Matt's blog. He has a very funny clip that I think everyone would enjoy. It has to do with Tubes and poker?

Click here for Matt's Blog

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

This is a pretty funny impression

Due to the fact that I dont want it to start playing immediately when you open the page, you can click on ...

Even Better Commercial

This is a very entertaining clip. Would recommend everyone see it.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Cool Commercial

I like how the old style mouse buttons are the strips on the shoe. Check it out.

Didnt Ship

Well, G 2 Didnt ship on Friday as planned. In fact we are still trying to burn all the CD's for the shipment. Maybe we need to get management to get some decent burners in house so that we dont miss shipments due to burning speeds. We have a nice duplicator, but if we had another it would truely help. Anyway, I have just been working on SHPR's all morning. Nothing really exciting. I have a couple of issues that came up, but I think that is by design. I am not sure, so I have to read the product structure notes to find out or not. Kinda sucks. Hope the rest of you had good weekends. Later

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Well, the weekend was pretty fun. First I left work a little early (Even though they would have allowed me to work way late) to go to Rachel's Singer's Workshop thing in Salt Lake. I will tell you that I really learned alot about the music business. Plus, because not many of the people ate the treats, I ended up with nearly all of them. (I will be sure to share when I come in on Monday) So on to saturday. I probably got out of bed at like 9:00 or 9:30, then ate breakfast and mowed the lawn before it got to late. Then went camping, this was a very quick decision, at Silver Lake. I was finally able to take out that Raft I bought and use it on the lake. It was quite relaxing. Fishing sucked though, didnt catch a thing, but the relaxation was good. I wandered home at about 3:00 and watched "The Replacements." Very good movie if you ask me. Its funny and inspirational. Anyway, I will see you all later.

PS - Here is a picture that we took while up there.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Putting Together Beta Packages Sucks

So just before lunch I started a print job for some beta offices. (Mainly because the printer is like a snail) So when I get back, I have this pile of documents that needs to be mailed to all the beta offices. (162) I prepare myself for all of this by clearing my desk so I could place all the random papers on it. I have spent nearly the last 3 hours putting these documents into the shipping packages. Best part is, they havent started burning CD's to ship yet. I am sitting here doing nothing right now just waiting for the CD's to get burned so I can put them in the shipping packages also. The really fun part of that is that I have to leave by at latest 4:10, so I can go to SLC with Rachel for a Work Shop thingy in preparation for a recording session that will be next week. I hope that Rachel does good on that. So yeah, life is good...busy... and boring.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Pointless question-answering gambit:

Q: If you were a porn star, what name would you put on?
A: According to the correct calculation on MSNBC its first pet + street name growing up.

Q: What is your most valued possession?
A: DELETE button on the computer (Gets rid of all the junk)

Q: On the eve of that Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, what do you consider the ultimate in fanboy-ism?
A: 400 lb woman in an Amidala Outfit (I was trying to find a picture of this, but its hard to do that from work)

Want more? I will try my best.
I do take suggestions!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Slow Day

So I was working up stairs and found that in the morning things were still a little slow. So I decided to browse some blogs, and what do I find... Absolutely nothing. There really hasnt been any funny comments or anything, at least not until I read Kr5is' blog about the "Time O' Month Red' Crayon. I am trying to find something to post about everyday. Its kinda hard to think of something funny or interesting for everyone to read. I guess on the other side of things I could tell everyone about what is going on in my home life. The truth of it is, its all been kinda routine stuff. Goto scouts on Wed, Work on the Yard, Thur or Friday or sometimes mondays. Watch a couple of movies and keep an eye on the kids while they butch up the place. I dont know. Seems pretty tidious to me. I guess I am just stuck in that little rutt called life.
Good news though from the work side. The latest release for Dent!x is being released. We might be shipping all the beta offices this week. Currently there are only 2, but we have made some changes and will be shipping to 160 of them. Hopefully we should be able to get all the issues noted and updated ASAP so that it can be officially released, and they can start working on other things.. Like !mage. So yeah, I hope you have enjoyed my neandering.

What donut are you?

I was the following:
You Are a Caramel Crunch Donut

You're a complex creature, and you're guilty of complicating things for fun.
You've been known to sit around pondering the meaning of life...
Or at times, pondering the meaning of your doughnut.
To frost or not to frost? To fill or not to fill? These are your eternal questions.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


So Superman was pretty good, although if you ask me putting on those goggels and taking them off was more of a hassle than it was worth. Anyway, after the movie we Rachel, Eric, Kim, Jeff, and his date Laura went to Joes Crab Shack, where Eric protested that he has got crabs, or would like them at least. The joking continued to degrade more and more until Eric actually started to play with his crab (I Pinch). Jeff being the elustrious man of equipment, happended to have the ability to record a movie of such entertainment. So when he comes into work on Monday, you must ask him for Eric's, "I Pinch" movie. Other than that there were lots of comments geared towards wenches, wooden legs, booty, sheaths, and the usual perverted jokes. Which by the way, Eric called me perverted... Although, if you ask me, I dont think he has a lot of room to talk. Anyway, it turned out to be a pretty good day. After all that, I came home and tried to sit on my butt, then watered the lawn and watched Firewall with Rachel.

P.S. We sat in front of a certain J named person while at the movie, me nor Rachel made any comments, but as for our other companions in crime, they performed excellently. I am sure that Rachel will embelish more details when she gets around to it.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What a wonderful vacation

I will start by telling you that I ended up having a pretty good 4th of july weekend. First, I went to Eric's house and hung out for a couple of hours. It was alot of fun and Rachel and Kim get along famously. The next morning, we packed up and left for the hills. To be a little more specific, we went to the high Uinta mountians near bear river. We stayed in a cabin in the middle of no where. It was pretty nice. The bed itself was actually quite annoying, I think I almost would have rather just slept on the ground. We went fishing the next morning about 25 miles over the next hill in the Black Fork river. I think I caught almost 10 fish. I think I released 4 fish. It was really cool. At least I can say that I didnt get that sun burnt. Luckily. So yeah, we came back on monday and litterally lazed around the house for the rest of the day. I let the kids play in the pool for about 4 hours and spash all over the place. SO yeah. Time for pictures..
