Life Is As You See It

Thursday, October 26, 2006

32 oz Sprite translated in Del Taco means, Fries in a cup?

SO check this out. Today I went to Del Taco and Ordered a #3 (2 Chicken Soft Taco's) and I asked for a 32 oz Sprite. I get to the Window and pay for the food and they hand me a 48oz sprite, and a second bag with a 32 oz drink cup with fries in it! I had to pull over and laugh for about 3 minutes before I could even drive a straight line. At which time I returned to work and promptly delivered the hilarious news to the illustrious High Tech dept, and if you would like to see proof of the situation, please see Jenna's blog at the following link: Jenna's Blog.

Fricken awesome. That is all I have to say.

Monday, October 23, 2006


So in about a week and a half it will be Rachels birthday, she will be 25. She is so stoked about it too. I think I have done a pretty good job about keeping her in the dark about it all. She keeps trying to get it out of me what I am going to get her or what we are going to do, but so far all attempts have failed. I figure if I can last another week I can start getting stuff together, but still try to be secretive about it. I am also quite sure that she will be reading this and that will help this as well. So with that I will bring things to a close. Well, later all.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Its right around the corner

So today we were talking about what will be releasing and when. (at least of what we are working on currently.) I found out that Dentr!x will be shipping in 1 week from tomorrow, Easy Image the following Tuesday, and DxImage Im@geCamHD Update Nov 3. Then E@sy Dental will be going the week after that. So in other words, support will have their hands full with new installs of all the release softwares. On other news we will be getting Dentr!x perio in the end of november and start basic test, it will be going beta in January, and Voice 5.0 will be going in End of January or Early Feb. The schedule looks tight for the next long while. I dont know about you guys, but I cannot wait for the new voice program. Perhaps it will work much better, cause if it doesnt...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Stupid Speed Traps

So this morning I was driving down state street at the usual speed (50) and notice that behind me there is a cop with his lights on. I pull over and he told me I was driving 55 in a 45 and started writting me a ticket. I dont really have much room to argue since I usually speed by at least that, and I probably did go that fast, but so does nearly every car on that road. So now I have to go down to the courts in the next couple of days and settle this ticket, or take some traffic school. I can see it now.. Hi, my name is Martin and I.... (Emotional outburst)Am a speeder! I think I want to do the traffic school cause then it doesnt go to the ins companies, but either way, that ticks me off. Sorry Doyle, that is why I didnt come down to talk when I got here. I was considerably late by the time I finally got here because of this little ordeal.

Friday, October 13, 2006


So first thing tomorrow morning the fam and I will be going to St George. We are going to go a visit my dad... You know I never really thought that I would end up saying that sentance. Pretty much all my life I have avoided my father because of things he has done to our family. I am trying to convince myself that 10 years in the slammer can make a changed man. I really hope so anyway. If any of you have grown up and didnt have a father in the house, it really makes for a strange childhood. Mostly because there is less order and things go chaotic more often. This is the way me and my bro and sis were brought up. I guess I turned out ok, but there are far more messed up people out there. So yeah, I started talking to my dad again about 2 months ago. So far he seems pretty nice and so on, but just like a new relationship, you want to start slow and work you way into it. I am trying to be very cautious about how much I/we put ourselfs out there for this relationship. I guess I just want a dad again. I was deprived of that growing up and I am sure it has caused me problems in my life I wouldnt have had if I did, but then again, I might have been in a whole other mess of things. I cant change what has passed so I have no choice to deal with the aftermath. I suppose in a couple of years that things might be a little better, but I dont see that happening for like 10-15 years down the line. Do you think I am just being too cautious? Am I being a wimp about this? I am not sure how to react to the situation as I havent had a father figure in like 15 years. I really want to get to know him, but at the same time I dont want to. I will say this though, he seems to be more intested in trying to get to know us and spend time with us than even my mom. She is really distant and doesnt really do much to let us know she still cares. I guess eitherway you look at it, I have a pretty screwed up family.

Back to the good news... I will be going to St George! I plan on going all over the place down there, but the problem is that I will have a couple of time constraints. Rachel will be singing at a performance down there on Sunday. It will be at the church at 82 N Dixie Drive at 6:00pm. Doyle, I know you will be down there. Stop by if you want. I will be driving back as soon as the performance is done. Then get ready for work and off to another week. Well, Later all.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Overview of Life

Ok... 1 life story coming up.

I was born on April 15th in a small town/village called Apple Valley (Which recently got its own Grocery Store!) We lived in a literal hole in the ground. Unfortunately I dont have any pictures on hand but they will be provided at a later time. My first memory that I can think of was my 5th birthday party. I dont even remember much about it other than my mom had made some home made vanilla ice cream and there were alot of people there. Around the age of 7-8 I remember hearding cattle and other farm related duties. (Like milking the cow at 5:00am) At age 9 we moved out of the hole and into a Doublewide trailer(we were moving up in the world!) I think that year at Christmas we were poor enough that we didnt even get a tree, but I happened to own a small hatchet and had plenty of determination. I went out to Gooseberry (Another subdivsion of Apple Vally and chopped down a small tree and dragged it about 4 miles home. My parent were happy but mad at me at the same time. (Guess the land owner saw me and wasnt happy) So anyway, that spring we started building our new house, which the MariJ stuff started. That fall I finally attended my first year of school at Hurricane Elementry in the 4th Grade. I was old enough to be in 5th, but I didnt know multiplication so they left me there. The house was completed that Winter. Since my mom was about ready to pop with my little sister Carolyn, I remember that all the Christmas presents were in the more luxurious mobile home, and this is when we received our first SUPER NINTENTDO. I even have some home videos of us in the mobile home with my older brothers playing Super Mario, since that is what came with the device. It was about 1 or 2 months later that I noticed there was a room in the basement that we werent supposed to go into and it was constantly locked. (I realize now that it was the nursery for all the money making plants my dad had.) Later that spring, after school, we moved out to a little hole in the wall place called Paragoona. For more information on this section please see my old post... After the big run we had returned Apple Valley and were forced out of the home with nothing but the clothes on our backs and whatever money we had. My Grandma Gubler happened to have a house in Middleton, a subdivision of St George right next to hers, for rent. We moved in there and lived there for 2-3 years. I have a lot of stories about things we did there. Pranks and everything. Other than that I went to the 5th grade at the closest Elementry school, and attended the St George 6th grade center and 7th grade at middle school. In 6th grade I decided that I wanted to play an instrument and started playing the trombone. I was apparantly pretty good at it. During my 7th grade year, my mom was going to the local college and met a guy by the name of Vern. It was about 6 months of conflict with my older brother before he finally moved in with us, but he wanted to attend school at UVSC because they had some better classes or something, so we moved to Orem. This was about the time that We had our first computer. It was a shake up computer running Windows 95 that had some of the coolest games we had ever seen. At least to us they were. I went to 8th grade at Orem middle school and met this cool guy named Kristopher Harrison. Unfortunately I dont remember too much from that time except that I think he and I did a english project together about finding some gold or something in Provo Canyon. (wow was that vauge) Not to long after this we moved to highland, and I went to 9th grade at Mountian View middle for the first half of the year, this is when Vern started at this little company called Dentr!x. I remember that he always worked the 6:00am shift. Mainly because he wouldnt let us play games in the morning, so we would wait until he left, and then get on them until we had to leave for school. This is when me and my brothers took up other games like D&D and Magic. We were actually so into that type of game that we created our own. We happened to store this game in a red book, so it lovingly got called "The Red Book Game." We actually sat and played this game for ours on end for weeks until someone got big enough to kill everyone else. If you need a description of how the game played or the basics, let me know. So to move on, we moved to the northern part of PG (Manilla) and I finished the school year out at PG Middle. (I met Eric this year, but we werent really friends, but more of acquaintances.) I was way exited to go to high school, because I had friends from both Mountian View and PG that would be attending Lone Peak. I went to school there for my Sophmore and most of my Junior year, I was being forced to move once again. We moved to Lindon and Was on the high school border of PG and Timpanogos. At this time I wanted to goto Timpanogos because they had alot of the same classes and so on as I had at Lone Peak, but forces prevailed and I went to PG. (I had to drop 3 of my favorite classes and take up ones I didnt like as much.) I finished my Junior year out at PG and spent the summer working multiple jobs. I started to work at Carl's Jr and this indipendant business. The indipendant business was only for a few months and hours were from 8-2 and then I would head to Carls Jr, and work from 3-12. At least that was the scheduled shift at Carls Jr, but most often we didnt get out of there until 1-2, latest I remember was 3am. So school started up again and I was still working at Carls Jr Full time. I was taking the hardest classes they had to offer too. It wasnt long before I relized this wasnt the best combination, but being as I was, I droped some of the hard classes and kept working. I was talking AP Physics, AP Chemistry, AB Calculus, AP Spanish and AP English.. Once I dropped some of the classes I was only taking... AB Calculus and AP Spanish (Easy Class!). Literally betten Physics, Chemistry and Calculus there was no time left in the day. Each class said, "Its only 2 hrs of home work a day," well when I do the math that adds up to 6 hours a day just for those 3 classes. That doesnt leave much time for anything else, yet alone work. It was later that year that I met Rachel. We were introduced to each other by a mutual friend Sherry. At first I will have to say that Rachel seemed to me a little out there. As in that she was way energetic and busy with her own stuff. I was actually able to talk to her when she wasnt around Sherry and realized it was the power of influence being used on her. She was really quite mello and so on. I asked her to the Valentines dance, since that is what time of year it was. That was our first date. After that we went to a couple of other dances and social things. It was just after prom that I decided I wanted to marry her. We went steady for about 3 more months before we announced it. My mom was not very happy about it and even now she doesnt always seem to fully support us being together. I started to look for other jobs, because I didnt want to be working fast food for the rest of my life. I started working for my Moms boyfriend, Craig, doing manual labor for Boeing in SLC. We were married on Aug 5, 2000 in Lindon and we went on our Honeymoon in Park City. The annoying part of this was that I let my Manager know at Boeing know that I was getting married that next week, but he told me that I still had to be there. So for the first 2 days of our marriage/honeymoon I had to work (Sad huh?). I talked to my manager again and stressed that I would really like the time off becuase of the circumstances and so he reluctantly allowed me to have the rest of the week off. We had a lot of fun the remainder of that week and did lots of stuff in park city. There was this restaruant that we went to that was kinda pricy that served as "Spinich Fettucinne" that was disgusting. I think I ate about 6 bites and then I was done. Anyway, I realized as I was driving to work at 100mph one morning that I was kinda drowsy and having problems keeping awake. (You would too if you had to wake up at 3 just to goto work and return at 4-5pm) I decided it was time to find a more local job. About 2 weeks later I quit at Boeing and started working at Sento doing McAfee Antivirus support. I worked there for almost a year when Rachel had Alex. He was born on 10/4/01, it was later that week when I was "Let go" (You have all heard this story), but because they let me go the day I returned after Rachel had Alex, I decided to stay out of the working force for a little bit to stay home and help Rachel since we had a little bit of backing. We had decided to move out of our appt and in with Rachel's parents for awhile until we would "get our feet on the ground" again. I started working at Convergys doing Microsoft support for Windows 98 and ME. I had applied for Windows 2000, but didnt have quite enough experience for them to hire me. (If I had gotten that I would have been making $4 more an hour, which would have been nice.) With the pay and a couple of months later, we moved to AF in a small 2 bed appt. Either way, I worked on that project for about 4 months and then Microsoft had started to roll out this new product called "Windows XP" that they wanted to train me for. I agreed and trained for it for about 2 weeks via their training program. Rachel and I were sealed in the temple on our 1st anniversary, which made for a very happy year. I went on to become a Senior tech on the Windows XP team and then... India happened. They were starting to move all Windows support to India. I was starting to look for other jobs because I knew that I was on a sinking ship. I decided that I needed to keep the job until I new something else was secured and was looking like a long term solution. It was about this time when Mikaila was born. It was 6/17/03 that Mikaila was brought into our lifes. Ironic thing is that both Alex and Mikaila were born at exactly 8lbs and 20 inches. I kept looking for a new job as Convergys was getting worse fast. My first official day of work/training at Dentr!x was 7/27/03. I continued to work both jobs for about 1 month before I decided I liked Dentr!x. Problem was that pay at Dentr!x was lower than what I was getting at Convergys, so we had to gimp around for a little while. I was starting to raise through the ranks in Easy Dental. I have since worked in the Dentr!x support and HighTech support depts and moved a couple of times. I have been living in PG at my purchased home and I have moved to development at work. Alex is now 5 (as of 6 days ago) and Mikaila is now 3. I dont think that I would take anything back or change anything about my life, except for a little of my childhood. It was a crazy life, but here I am, all in one piece and as happy as can be. Thanks for reading.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Life Story

So today I walked down to support to hassle Matt about returning the EzRay sensor that I loaned him for a couple of hours, only to find out that he had plugged it into the wrong computer and that is why he needed it for so long. Belay that comment and we move on to why this post is the way it is. After leaving Matt's desk I decided to pay my good ol buddy Doyle a visit, and he turns to me and says "Martin you need to make a new post." Im thinking to myself, 'Well, I posted on Friday. Apparantley at the end of the working day isnt good enough anymore, it has to be at the beginning." Doyle then proceeds to tell me that I dont just need a new post, but something that is long and takes more than about 2 minutes to read." My response was simple "Like a Life Story?", and his response "Yes, exactly." I didnt realize that a blog was meant to be the writing place for a persons auto biography. Perhaps I have writters block or whatever you want to call it, or I just dont want to write my life story up here in order to piss Doyle off. I am kinda leaning against the later of those choices. I dont really want to pour out my entire life for everyone to know, even though I have already told some of the stories. Maybe someday I will complete the book "Gubi, the auto-biography!" So instead I will choose to talk about other things.
I am looking forward to this next weekend because we will be going to St Greorge. We are planning on going to Zions National Park and a number of other places. This trip was planned mostly because Rachel has a performance down there on Sunday and we both want to get away from the normal for a day or two. Unfortunately this also puts dampers on the Friday the 13th jam that Jenna is having, mostly because of work. At Hee Haws they get quite busy around this time, and particularly that night, so they are making us work. Other than that, life is peachy.
So Doyle, I hope that you enjoyed this off topic seemingly random post.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Its Finally Official

Well, we finally received word that Rachel was now on the W-Talent web site. You can see the pictures here if you want. You have to click on Models, Commercial Women, then find Rachel. (Some of the other images are probably not safe for work.) Otherwise it has been a crazy good ol time. I have been getting off work then driving home, to pick up Rachel, then off to work again at Hee Haws. It has been fun though. I enjoy working there and if they paid better and it latested all year, I would honestly drop Dentr!x, but since they dont, I wont. I have being trying to decide if I want to apply for the new Developement position. The Hi-Tech Product Analyst one that is. I was thinking to myself... "Maybe then we can tell the programmers exactly how we want them to do it, and they will!" At least that is what I would like anyway. I have asked a couple of people from support to go for it, but am unsure if I want to. And then raises the next question. If I get it, who takes my position? Either way I will still be happy. So yeah..

Last Night we took Alex to see Open Season instead of me going to Scouts. It was pretty good and the kids really liked it. If you are wondering if I just ditched the scouts... I didn't. I called up my backup gang and told them what I had planned. Couple of games like "Name Game-with bean bags" (Actually quite fun) and "Aerobic Tag" (Kinda like Smear the Quir, but not as rough). Got them all of the stuff they needed to perform the cerimonies and so on and that was that. It was on the way to the movies. (For me and the fam)

And in other news. E@sy Dental was supposed to go beta at latest yesterday, but it didnt, so there is a bit of a rush to get it out the door, then next week is supposed to be beta 3 for Dentr!x and on top of that, EZIm@ge4.5 and Im@ge 4.5 cuHD are supposed to release in 1 week from tomorrow. To say the least, development is in overtime and they are pushing to get everything done.

That is all I have for you now.

"Thank you, come again"

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Defective by Design

To quote a recent article:

"The Defective by Design campaign aims to identify what it considers "defective" products, and target them for elimination to make all manufacturers wary about bringing their DRM-enabled products to market.

In June it(Defective By Design) coordinated action across eight US cities with supporters dressed in bright yellow Hazmat suits swarming Apple(Computer) Stores to warn shoppers and staff that Apple iTunes was infected with DRM."

In my opinion, if you buy a CD and that music will only play in a special player it is considered a monopoly and should not be allowed, but that is basically what it seems they are pushing for. I enjoy music enough to purchase it online, song by song, if needed to get the desired CD. The fact that I have to burn then re-rip the songs just so I can play them at another computer in the same house hold is crap. I really hope that the DRM Movement dies and that I will once again be able to purchase something and move it to my computer so that I dont have to waste money on other items just to listen to it at a different location.

Well, that is my rant for the day.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Quad Core CPU's

"Will the standard new server be a quad core, 64-bit, 8GB RAM, platform next summer?
It could be. At the Intel Developers Forum recently, Intel was showing off quad core chips, basically two dual cores in the same package. It's a move to speed deployment and get the chips out the door ahead of AMD."

This looks awesome. I cannot wait until I can get one. Can you imagin how fast of a machine that would be? If it could process video graphics at that same pace, I think computers are again, on the move.