Life Is As You See It

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Car Repair

I just bought a new car about 2 weeks ago. Its a really nice car, but had a couple of things I wanted to have fixed before it became mine completely. first There are 3 separate light bulbs that need to be replaced and some sort of clanking under the car on the front passanger side. So yesterday, I take 4 hours of PTO to take the car in for repair. (Which I scheduled a week ago) I arrive and say that I am ready to have it repaired. The guy says, "Well, I will be on vacation for the rest of this week. Is there anyway we can reschedule for next week instead." so I said, "Hey buddy!"...."I took off work today so that you could work on it, because that what people do when they schedule you in to repair something. So he gets a little disturbed look on his face, but then agrees to fix the car and have it ready within the next 5 hours. I said that that would be fine and left. La di freakin da... 5 hours later I come back to the shop and they havent even moved my car. I went in to talk with the guy and he said that they had to order parts for it, so they couldnt really do much... I was thinking , "Doesnt much include doing something." Then "So you are telling me that you had my car for 5 hours, you couldnt even get a single light bulb changed and without driving the vehicle you think the stut is bad?".... So they guy says that the car uses some funny foreign light bulb that they didnt have any of. Well anyway, enough of my ranting. I will see you all at work. Later

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


So last night I decided to install a couple more of the games that Rachel had gotten for me for my birthday. I was playing a certian "Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2" which is freakin awesome. I was driving along like any good recklace driver and then I notice I have got 4 cops chasing me. Apparantly it is frowned upon to fly through a small town at speeds greater than 140. Who would have guessed. So anyway, the cops try the pit menuver and so on, but they just cannot stop me. So I slow down and do it to them. Well, I think I got busted about 4-5 times before I figured out how to do it without getting caught. Practice makes perfect right? Anyway, life is very busy and I really only have a little time in the morning to play around with games. Today I think I will be at my father-in-laws digging sprinkler system lines. Yeah! Well sorta. Busy work, but good pay. Well, I need to get off to work or else I wont get paid. Cya

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Fun Fun

OK, So I have decided what I will be doing this weekend. That put asside, I have some serious preparations that need to be done, and really not that much time to do it. I need to purchase the food for the campout, scout the course and make sure it will take a series of hours to finish, get the tour permit, gather some wood, get all the camping materials from the previous scout master, then leave tomorrow after noon at 6:00. Once this is all done I think I will have a large weight lifted from my shoulders.
Work is keeping me plenty busy. And to think, all that time. I though Luke was just sitting there screwing around. It has its moments but for the most part it is a busy position. It good though, I like to keep busy. Makes the day go by faster and makes it a little more enjoyable. I can say that it is better than walking "Debbie" through configuring her ADSL modem to work with Windows 2.3 with 2mb of RAM!!! 12:00...12:00!! See you all soon

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Crunch

Ok, I am supposed to come up with an activity for tomorrow and to tell the scouts what we will be doing when out camping. They also get to choose what we will be eating for our meals too. (This is a scary thought.) But then again, I cannot see them choosing something gross, just unlikely. Anyway, I need to get out the door to make it to work. See you all soon.

Monday, April 17, 2006


OK, so I have known about this camp out for this next weekend since Feb, but for some reason I cannot think of any activities in which we can participate when we are camping, other than the usual hiking and night games. I need to try and teach them something. Anyone have any ideas?

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Week End

Well, I think that this week end was pretty good. I got to laze around the house for the first day and part of the second and the other part of the day was a party. That was pretty cool. Rachel got me a World of Need for Speed, which is awesome, because it has nearly every need for speed game that was released for PC, at leat the newer ones that is. I havent even started on the other games yet, I am still working on Need for Speed Underground. Other than than, Rachel also got me Chronicals of Narnia, which I am really excited to see, because I have been asking her to go to the movies and see it or others, but its not a chick flick and its not a scary movie, so it will have to wait. I mowed my lawn for the first time this year also, it looks pretty dang good. I am quite satisfied with myself. Anywho, I need to finish getting ready for work so enjoy. See ya!

Work/Home/School - how to juggle?

So I have taken it upon myself to try and create a tool that would go through and uninstall image completely from the machine. I guess I am the only one ambitious enough to do it. I guess the good thing is that it helps put my foot in the door for a programming position. Although I am still not sure if that is what I want to do.
Rachel has been urging me to go back to school. My response tends to be raising my shoulders and saying "I dunno dear, I think it would be great, but do we have the time." This is my excuse. Problem is, that life without school is pretty busy. I dont know that I could handle school and work? Anyway, I guess I just need to get over this and do it before I am 30, which isnt that far away.
I will be 25 on Saturday this week. Woohoo! Insurance premiums go down baby! At least that is the only thing I get to look forward to except for what Rachel got me. I am kinda surprised. Normally she cant wait to tell me what she got and so I end of getting it early, but not this time. She must be having a really ruff time, or she closed it in a closet and forgot about it. Well, guess I better get to work.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

New Car

Well, on saturday we decided to get a new car. We went to Utah Auto Sales and got an SUV - Nissan Pathfinder. It has been alot of fun driving a new car. All that power and so on. Its great. Anyway, life has been really busy lately, so, sorry about not posting as often. I know you all are awaiting an update, mostly brandon, but it requires time and effort. Something I dont always have. Anyway, see you all tomorrow.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Well, yesterday I went to help Jenny Phillips in preparing for the big concert in SLC. I was there from 7:00 am to just a little after 11:00 pm, and to say the least I am a little tired today. I am looking forward to today as it is now sping and for the most part, warm.. outside. I just installed a Cieling Fan in my room. Its nice, but doesnt work yet. I havent quite finished it yet. Anyway, at work I was asked if I would be the new Escalation Engineer or Tech 5. I think that it will be fun. One of the cool things is that I get to have a flat screen monitor. It will be a bit to fit into, but I figure that it will be good experience for me to take the job, but with the new job I dont work the normal hours. My shift will be changed to 8-5 coming tuesday. Although Monday it will still be the normal 6-3 that I always work. Hope to see you all soon. Later