Life Is As You See It

Monday, August 28, 2006

Not this Saturday But Next

Here is a quick update on the hike to timp. We will all be meeting at Discovery Park in PG (100E ~1450N) at 3:00pm on Saturday Sept 9th. We will then carpool from there to the trail head for timp. We have 7 people going as of today (including myself). I was thinking that once we are all done we could go hang out at iHope for a very late dinner or just head home. So yeah, any and all are welcome to come. I will only have room for 4, so we should find another person to help carpool everyone to the trail head. Well, later all.


Well, I will tell you that I did a whole lot of nothing this weekend. Its kinda like that never ending routine. Mow the lawn, make some lunch, watch a movie with the kids, put them down for naps, browse the internet amlesly for about 2 hours, spend 30 minutes trying to wake the kids up so that they will still sleep at night, Let the kids run a play outside, Make some dinner, Watch a movie with everyone, prepare kids for bed, go to bed. There are plenty other things that we do but this seems to be the default model of a saturday.
This is pretty much how it was, but I played some nintendo with Alex for a couple of hours. He really enjoys it when I play with him, but what I usually find happening, is that he wants me to play his part as well. I will tell you though that Alex is getting pretty darn good at it. Rachel was playing Alex in Super Mario Brothers (Super Nintendo Release) and got her butt kids by the 4 year old. I thought it was kinda funny, but then again, she doesnt play them at all.
I saw that they are training another group of new hires upstairs. They have 13 new people. Hopefully with all the new hires, high tech can suck a few off into the nexus for a slightly easier life (Note I said slightly).
Anyway, hope you all had great weekends and will have a good work week. And Jesse, how is the new job?

Thursday, August 24, 2006


So I have been given the task to create all tutorials for the G2 project that customers will be using. I have enlisted Rachel to help me by doing the voice overs while I do all the animations and what not to make it much better than the first tutorials that we gave to everyone. I have recreated 1 of 6 tutorials and the bosses like it so far. Problem is that it takes a while to get everything sorted out to have it work correctly. Eitherway, I hope to have it all done this weekend so that I dont have to worry about it anymore. Anyway, Later.

Monday, August 21, 2006

High Tech Hike to Timp

This is in part to Jenna to comming up with an excellent idea, that everyone should get together to do a hike to timp. Personally I have 3 weekends within the next month that I can do it: Aug 25, Sept 8, or Sept 29. I would like to ask everyone what day they would like to do it, so that we can get the most attendance as possible. The next question is, what time would you like to do the hike. My personall favorite is to hike up in the middle of the night to catch the sunrise off the top of the mountian.

Here are some pictures from my last years hike to timp.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

What a wash!

So I was ready to head out last night to go hike timp with my brothers, but as the flakes they are they never showed up at my house to do it. So I kinda prepared and everything for nothing. I promised Rachel that I wouldnt do the hike alone. So becuase my brothers are flakes and so on I couldnt go. It quite pisses me off. I have been thinking about hiking it now for about the last 3-4 weeks. I was way excited. Oh well I guess. I guess I will just have to wait and do it with the scouts as an activity. I am guessing that we will just hike it in the middle of the day instead of at night so that we can just say we did it instead of getting there for the sunrise or sunset. Anyway, hope you all had great weekends. See you all tomorrow.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Talk about random

Check out these rednecks...

Check out these gun instructors!

Horse Shoes anyone?

Your right, maybe swimming would be best.

The big climb

Well, on a change of plans I have decided to climb timp later tonight so that I can catch the sunrise for tomorrow off the top of the mountian. I cannot wait to get started. I have a couple of my brothers coming over to climb it with me. I think it should be alot of fun. I am trying to decide if I should go to sleep for 2 hours and get ready or just stay up and watch a movie until everyone shows up? Oh yeah, and yesterday I finally took that leap and talked to my dad. I will tell you that it has been about 13-14 years since I last spoke with him. It was kinda cool, but also akward. Thats alright, I was able to do it and kinda enjoyed it. Try to imagin not seeing one of your parents for 14 years and tell me how it would feel to see them again. I dunno why but I kinda want to get to know him again. I know it will never be just right or anything, but its my dad. I am supposed to be able to forgive anyone for what they have done right? Of course it warrants some caution, but I think things will be alright. Anyway, guess I better stop talking so that you can all get to bed or whatever it is that you are doing right now.... no really, right now!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Beta Issues

Well, so far the beta seems to be doing pretty good. We havent fried any computers, although some of them wont work the new chart. Mostly because they just have slow machines. Either way, it is going pretty good. It looks like we wont be doing our next beta for a couple of weeks. At which time we hope to have most, if not all the treatment planner issues resolved. That is what most people are complaining about. Other than speed of opening the modules. Hopefully everything will go well, otherwise I will be a very busy person. Anyway, hope everyone has a great week end. Especially Roberto as he is in California... doing something. Well later.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Name that movie!

1. "I ate some fiberglass and it didnt taste like cotten candy, now my tummy itches."

2. "McFly!"

3. "What? I don't smoke weed."

4. "I feel like an idiot. But I am an idiot, so it kinda works out."

5. "Oh, well, it's just like talking, except longer and louder, and you move your voice up and down. "

Old Movies

So check it out, yesterday I pulled out a classic movie that I am sure most have seen. It was "Star Trek: The Motion Picture." The first full length movie for Star Trek. I was amazed to see that the graphics weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be. Although they have since greatly improved with more current products from the star trek kind. Anyway, just thought I would say that I enjoyed the journey to the past. I also happended to watch "Short Circuit." I allowed the memories of watching these shows re-enter my current life. It was a welcome change. See ya later.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The New Addiction

So as some of you know I have taken up some of my recent time in programming for the randomness of programming. In particular I am programming games, little annoying snes style looking games. I will have to say that I am having a hard time adjusting to the new code, but I am making my way through it.

My current project is to re-create a menu system, and battle system of that in Legend of Ultria. This task is proving more and more difficult. I think I will have to change things around a bit. The other part of this is that I want to setup a TBS instead of just the standard side view like in many FF style games. I want it to be like FFTactics or Vidal Hearts.

If I can do this and release this to a small public then I think there are some great things that could come out of it. Anyway, hope that you enjoyed my little side track of thought.

PS - Brandon, if you are also looking for resources, the best site is

Saturday, August 05, 2006


So last night was a blast, but of course there were a couple of annoyances. For example. We called to Olive Garden on 2nd south and asked what the wait time was, they said 40 minutes. So like 5 minutes later when we arrived there and asked again, they said 1 1/2 hours, we were like no way. So then we started making our way to the olive garden in suger house, only took 30 minutes to get there (That is a very long time for 15 blocks!) Once we got there they seated us and so on very quickly. Actually it was of the best times I have had at Olive Garden. The server was very quick and the food was there before we were finished with the appetizers. After this we left to the concert. Parking was a bit of the nightmare, unless you wanted to fork out 10 bucks or something, which we did. The concert was pretty cool, we took alot of pictures and so on, but some of them were very blurry. Why you ask? That is because we were on like the top row of the entire delta center, but for pictures we figured something out. We rented a pair of benoculars and used the camera through them, hence why they are not focused perfectly. But here are some of the pics. Rachel and I had a great time. Anyway, later all.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Busy Busy

Ok, so I think I have successfuly gotten myself out of going camping, but I may still have to drive some scouts up then come back. For getting out of camping, I think that is a small price to pay. So here is the plan. In about 45 minutes from now (9:00), Rachel's parents are going to pickup Mikaila and take her camping until saturday. Then Alex will be babysat by my sister-in-law on friday night so that we can go out. We will see him at the soccer game on saturday morning, then Mikaila in the later afternoon. I dont know how Rachel is going to last without her babies though. They havent really spent any time apart like this before, but I keep telling her that everything will be ok, and that it is only 2 days. It could be alot worse. Anywho, thanks for listening.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Strike that

I have decided to instead of distribute CD's to share the information from my computer. If any of you know my share name, go for it. Those that dont know it, find out from someone that does, or email me. It will be in the PROJECT folder.

Major Slacker Am I

So, I am sure that a large number of you have visited my site to find that there hasnt been anything new for awhile. I am swooping in and take care of this problem. This weekend is going to be very fun. Aug 5th is my Anniversary and annoying part of this is that I have to go with the scouts on a camp out thursday night, and come back on Friday, so that I can do everything that was planned with Rachel. I would really like to go do the camping on my own with the family instead of the scouts, but since that is not the most romantic thing (Especially with the kids), I will be taking her out to dinner, to a concert, then back home. We were looking at staying at anniversary inn, but we decided we didnt want to blow $200 on a single night, unless that was in entertainment. So yeah, good news about the campout though, I am not the only leader, which means I can leave as soon as I am ready.

In other news, I have been working on a long forgotten project called Ultria, I have since updated the program some and will show you a copy if you would like. I will create a self extracting full game kit for it, to let you play til you hit the road block. I have the file burned to a CD, so if you would like it, please let me know. It is about 23 mb so I couldnt have angelfire host it for free. Sorry

Hope you all enjoy.
I would like to hear any feedback that you have to offer on either subject within this tangel of a post.