Life Is As You See It

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Do you want to FLY to work?

I am sure we have all seen the cartoon show "The Jetsons" and the beauty of this is that it is going to be real life. It isnt that far away and we will have flying cars. I was browsing around today and happened to find this website. Within 2 years is the planned FAA approval of the item, and the navigation system used has already been implemented into some of the more pricy private aircraft. So in terms to make landing and flight "Childs play." The name of the program is "Highway in the sky" and there are tons a different sites that have plenty of information on it. So enough of the background, lets see some pictures and movies of the product in motion.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Sorry about the wait, but I am back! It has been pretty busy up here lately and outside of work has been equally crazy.

To start things off, I took my scouts on a camp out this last weekend to mutual dell, luckily the weather cleared and it turned out to be a pretty good campout. They were able to work on their Astronomy, Housemanship and FirstAid merit badges. I have an incredibly funny movie that I will have to accompany this at a later time. We all played "Kick the Can" for about an hour, then we came home. I think I fell flat on the floor and was a little incoherant for the remainder of the day.

Sunday was the usual, church and meetings.

Well it was pretty normal until right after work. I went home then came immediately back to start working at Hee Haw farms again. I cut down a ton of Corn Stalks and bundled them as well as disributed them around the "Corn Snake." Other than that, I dug holes for post and drove tracters. They ended up sending us all home early because of lack of business. Considering it takes a while to get things going, and the fact that the main road for business is still marked closed until Nov 1 is a little concerning. Apparantly the city told them that they werent going to close it until beginning of next year, but did it anyway. So as such, they may end up holding the city responsible for ruining their business.

Today was kind of busy. First we started the day off with meetings for E@syDental, Dentr!x and Im@ge/EZIm@ge. After that I worked with Tina and some people from core regarding SHPR's and escalations, then off to the E@syDental code walkthrough. (In other words, what they added/removed) After that it was off to lunch.. Ended up taking a long lunch so that I could take Mikaila to dance lessons. I will have to add a picture of this, but she is quite cute in her little pink "balerina." After that I dealt with more SHPR's for Dentrix, so it made for a excellent day.

Well, that complets the running of Update.exe, hope you have enjoyed.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


As many of you know, me, Spin and others have gathered in the lobby for a couple of months playing board games. I have to say that some of them are fricken cool. It has made me look into getting some. I am looking at 3 games right now... "Ticket to Ride", "Amun Ra", and "Blue Moon City." I dont know if I am looking wide enough. There is like 20 I would like to get, but dang them for being so dang expensive. I think even Rachel would enjoy paying some of them. Trouble is to get her to try them. She really likes "Phase 10" but ...."Only when she is winning." If not, boy o boy is that a fun situation. I have tried the computer approach at this.

Me: Is there a game you would like to play with me dear?
Rachel: I dont feel like it right now. Sides, you would kick my butt.
Me: But if you played it more you would get better, I would even go easy on you.

(Perhaps that was a bad move on my part to say that I would "Play nice" so that she would win, or at least have a chance)

I guess I will just have to borrow a couple of these games from those that have them, and try to coax Rachel into playing them with me.

Then again, Rachel's Aunt likes to play all sorts of different type games. Maybe I should organize a game night at my house.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hee Haws

Well, it is that time of year again. Halloween is right around the corner, so Corn Mazes and the Haunted Houses are starting to gear up. I will again be working at Hee Haw Farms during the later hours of the day to try and get a little extra money. Last year was alot of fun, and I will say that I was very familiar with that maze in the end. Once you have walked around in it for about 2 hrs without any sense of direction it starts to seem hopeless, but when you do that everyday for about a month, you actually know where you are in the maze. It makes for a fun time.

For example:
When working there last year, you would do all you can to freak people out in the mazes, by taking shortcuts to catch/see them at multiple intersections. I think the most times I ran into a single person in the mazes was like 15 or more. In which case they were getting kinda freaked out because I appeared to be everwhere in the maze at once.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Ricky Bobby

2 first names for a very entertaining man that is very affraid of invisable fire in the new movie, Taledega Nights. I watched this show over the weekend and would have to give it a 9/10 on my scale for overall content, and a good 10/10 for comedy. They had awesome cracks throughout the entire movie that makes it hard not to laugh. Very quotable I might say. I will be trying to obtain a "Special" copy of the movie shortly so that everyone can enjoy. Although, I would very highly recommend going to see this one in the theaters if you havent already. Well, later.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Training / Games / Beta

So Scouts have been interesting lately. I have learning all about how the scouts should be doing everything and that I as Scout master am really supposed to be their for encouragement/coaching/guidance, but that is about it. I will say that I have learned a number of things and I think it will help me to be a better Scout Master, as well as person. It kinds sucks to go to all of these meetings instead of staying home with the wife and kids though. I havent really had much of a chance to sit down with Alex or Mikaila for them to show me what they did in school that day. Good news is that the last meeting is this comming Wed, and I couldnt be more happy about it.
In other news, I sat on my computer and opened up an old game. Does anyone remember 'Sim Tower'? I think I played it for about 30 minutes and got bored for then. I cant play that one for hours on end like others. But on top of that I played 'Bahamut Lagoon'. Excellent game and battle system. It was released very late in the SNES period, I think about 1 year prior to n64 coming out. So the game itself didnt do that well, but for RPG fanatics like myself, it is a very enjoyable game. My favorite part about the game is the names... Princess YoYo... Seriousley, who comes up with these names?
In other news, we are going to be sending G 2 beta2 today. Many of the major/minor issues have been resolved. Speed has improved nearly double for Chart on initial and relaunch, and the new treatment planner is 10 times faster also. Almost instant changes. Hopefully with all the new improvements we will see alot more happy people and techs. I think as far as the support depts go, the biggest call will be training, at least that is my hope. Well, later all.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


So sometime later today there should be someone coming over to our house to give an appraisal on the property. This is for our refinance that we are doing later this month. I think I will probably be leaving work a little early today to go help get this cleaned up for this occasion. I hope that it all happens nicely. They told me last week, that it should be easy to appraise it for $165,000, which is awesome. I only bought it 2 years ago and for $117. I think that is a pretty good investment. I will be trying to roll all my debt into my house so I owns everything. Then I can sell in a couple of years and still get some more. Its sweet. Anyway, later.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Not what I was expecting

So the hike was pretty fun, but could have been much better. 2 things I think I would have changed. Kept everyone together as a group throughout the whole hike, and 2 make the weather permit for a nice evening at the top of timp. When we got to the top it was hailing/snowing and the wind just wouldnt stop. Then the clouds were so thick you couldnt even see 5 feet off the peak. The hike although did a number on me. My feet are ok, but my knee's and hip are not to fond of me right now to say the least. I will definitally make some changes to the way things work next time. First, wait for a time in which they say there is no chance of weather problems, and earlier in the year. That way maybe it can be a little more enjoyable. Alright, I guess that is enough talk.

Time for the pictures

Say BaAaAaaAaaa

Ice Cavern Inside

Ice Cavern Outside


Clouds Decending on the upper valley

Oh, almost forgot, view from the top. (This is in the saddle, looking at the path we have to use to get down.)

And last but not least, the movie of the clouds pushing through the saddle..,

Friday, September 08, 2006

First Day

Well, today was my daughters very first day of school. She has been sad when she couldnt say when we dropped Alex off. This morning she got all dressed up and ready to go hours before it was time. I think it is kinda funny to think that myself along with most of us all had the same feelings about going to school, but as we grow up it becomes more and more of a annoyance. Although considering that I havent gone to college yet, I really need to get myself into gear. Problem is, that work and home life has me tied to a rack that happens to be tearing me apart for time. I suppose that life would be alot different if I didnt have kids, but I dont think I would have it any other way. I love my little "rebelions in a bag." There is nothing I would give in this world not to have them, or Rachel for that matter. Well, its time to get back to work... Later.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Verdict Is In

Well, after much discussion we have yet again decided that the sunset hike will be better according to most peoples schedules and so on, or at least you voted for it. We will return to the original plans as they were sent with the meeting time of 1:00 at discovery park in PG. If there is any reason that you cannot make it or whatever, then please let me know. Otherwise, we will see you there. I cannot wait!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A change in plans

So we have changed a couple things about the Hike. The main difference is the time we will be meeting at discovery park. We will now be meeting at 1:00 and leaving no later than 1:30. This is mainly in part to the fact that sunset is at 7:46 instead of my anticipated 8:30 - plus to also give a little extra time for straglers and what not. If you have any questions or anything, please let me know.


(And no, I cannot tell you the true meaning of life. Other than I think it is to climb large mountainous objects in a Hiking fashion.)

Funny Signs

So I was browsing earlier today and found a very entertaining image. Isnt it ironic that a student would be chasing a beer bottle? Perhaps this is more true from location to location, but I found it to be quite entertaining to me.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Interesting Quiz, that isnt really a quiz

What does your birth month tell about you

I was thinking to myself, throw a bunch of words to together and it will describe you. (Because they chose a million words to describe that month). I was wrong. It was ~kinda true. I also did Rachels and one of my brothers, and for the most part it pretty well describes them. Thought you would all like to have a chance to look at it.

Funny Quote

For a little background on this. As I am the scout leader for our ward I am helping my scouts with merit badges. One of which is Communications. One of the requirements for this badge is that you must interview someone to find out more about them, their accomplishments and so on. I happened to interview one of my scouts during this process due to an odd number of them showing up. It went similar to this:

Me- Show what is your favorite subject in School?
Him- None really
Me- Do you have a job?
Him- Yes
Me- Where?
Him- Sonic Burgers
Me- How often do you work?
Him- Pretty much everyday
Me- Do you work full time for them then?
Him- Yes
Me- Do you know if they offer you any Benifits?
Him- Yes, I can get a free drink when ever I want it.

I thought this particular response was funny because it shows greatly the generational gap between me(25) and him(16). I only wish that my only thought on benifits would be what free stuff they gave me or not having to think of how you will spend your paycheck months in advance so that you can afford what you want. I just thought it was funny. Hope you enjoyed this random approach to conversation.