Life Is As You See It

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Im Back!

Well, the vacation was a blast, except for the long hours of driving and back cramps from doing so, but either way it is nice to be back home again. I kinda dislike living out of a bag, at least for long periods of time. It is hard to keep that whole sane factor. So yeah, pictures, I would love to post a bunch of the pictures up, but there is a problem with that. All the pictures are on the laptop which happens to have conveniently lost the network card dongle thing for. So I cannot get them off of it. So instead, today I will be bringing my laptop HDD into work to take all the pictures off. Then I will be bringing them home on my new 250gb HDD's that should be there. Yea! Hopefully you all had a great week. I will be seeing you all soon. Later.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Well, I guess it has been a little bit since I have posted. We have had a blast out here. Yesterday, we went to the red woods and the beaches. We all got buried in the sand and made sand castles, that was quite fun. We also all got sun burns, guess that is a given though. Tomorrow we will be heading for Yosemiti then up to San Jose. It has been a great vacation so far. I have really enjoyed the relaxed pace in which we take things. Anyway, I need to be going. The call of the children is on. I will upload some pictures hopefully on sunday, when I get home. Otherwise, just watch for my random postings. Later all!

Friday, May 19, 2006


Well, great news everyone. You will no longer have to rely on the dumb responses from dev. That is because I will be talking ChAdams job! Sweet huh! I think it is awesome. So yeah, because you cannot transfer from support unless they are in surplus. I have to wait for 6 weeks before I can start the position. I will be starting according to management on June 30th. That is a Friday, but I dont know if they want to have me start on that day. It would be then or the 5th of July or something. Anyway, tomorrow I am going to head out to California. So my post will be sparse. I will try to post some pictures if I can when I have a moment, but remember, I will be doing this from my laptop that is running Win98 and so little processing power it is not even funny. It just so happens to have 1 USB port and a Wired/Wireless network card. Only problem is... It has no battery life, litterally. If you unplug it from the wall, it is dead. I hope to just replace the laptop in the near future, but that all depends. Well, got to finish packing and so on. I will see if maybe I can post before I walk out the door again tomorrow. Later everyone! Hope you all have great weekends, and that next week may be good for all of you. See you all soon.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


So funny thing. Today we happended to move Roberto, Curtis, and Gentry' desk to new locations. This was not part of a prank as though it would have been really funny. But due to us getting ready for the move up to trade with EZD it had to happen. Roberto will be getting in and wonder as soon as he reaches his desk, and scratch his head. But unlike Brandon, he will just say, "sweet, guess that means a day off." Anywho, I am excited for the move. I miss the upstairs view of the lake and everything. It was nice. That was one of the hard things to let go of when I left EZD to goto Dentr!x. I only did it for the pay increase. Anywho, I will be going to my Interview for the Product Coordinator tomorrow from about 9:30 to 10:15, or something like that. I think they want me to do some sort of excersize to check my knowledge level. Wonder if they ever had Charles Adams do that? Either way, we dont have to deal with his poor excuse for a SHPR answer any longer. Wed of next week is his last day. I guess the next thing is. I will actually be out of the office all next week. That is cool, but I wonder what will happen if they need that position filled by thur? I figure that Eric York will do the SHPR's until the replacement is trained anyway. Not that I am particularely fond of his responses either. Its like, "Well, I dont see the problem occuring over here. Perhaps they are imagining the problems?" Although I like to think they are, I know better. The problem is a problem and hence why we created a SHPR. I know that a number of us have lost faith in the SHPR process, and we are working on that. Hopefully if I get this job I will help make a difference up there. Well, I need to get to bed before it gets too late. Later all!

Prank follow up

The good news is that the prank was executed with flawless detail. Only 1 problem. The webcam setup to capture this rare occurance... failed to work. Due to this extended circumstances we will instead post the affects according to the pranked person:
1. OMG! What the HECK! (This is followed by other various profanities)
2. Check Name Tag to verify the correct desk has been found... Its correct
3. Wonder to break room to take a moment...
4. Swallow "excedrin" and "no doze"
5. Rearrange the desk
6. Log in and write Word doc that states:

You are welcome to sit and use my computer but please dont:
1. Rearrange my desk
2. Get fingerprints on my screen
3. Get my desk all STICKY

7. Read this blog post that states prank.
8. The rest is history.

Hope you all enjoyed this little endever.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


For the entertainment of the dept, today we setup a web cam to watch the reaction of Brandon in the morning. We have rearranged his entire desk and rotated his monitor and other various items, just to see his response. We setup the web cam to capture the creature in his natural habitat. It kinda reminds me of that discovery channel special on Fire Engines, you know, the one where a Fire Engine is eating an antelope and the ambulances will have to wait until he is done? Great Family Guy episode. Anyway, got to jet. Later

Job Posting

So , I realized that today was the last day to put in for ChAdams job, and figured that I would go for it. I was lucky enough to even have one of the developement department members come down and ask me personally if I had applied, simply because they think I am a good canidate. Todd was telling me that he wants whoever to get it, come out of our dept. I can completely agree with him. If this doesnt go to anyone in our dept, that kinda leaves us in the mud right? Its kinda like StrongBad said "42 lbs of aledgidly portable computing power." You can put a new engine in the car, but you are still high centered. Well, hope that anyone else who applied gets a good shot at it. I think that I would rather have this job instead of the trainer postition, both would be good though. They both give great carrier options. Anyway, later.

Monday, May 15, 2006


So I figured that for a good family night activity that we would g0 fishing. Rachel totally loves fishing. We went to Vivian park in Provo Canyon. We caught 2 fish, both with Rachel's pole. She was stoked about it. The kids were excited to see the fish as it was being pull in, but then they wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole. It was good fun though. I think we all had fun. So yesterday evening I installed our swamp cooler, and realized that the smell of the swamp cooler is less than desired. I need to do some major cleaning on it to make it good and clean. Hope everyone else had a good day. I almost had eric take a call when he only had 5-10 minutes left of his shift. I was having a hard time deciding whether he should or not, but then I found that a certain G named person who likes to delete software registry keys was available, and asked him to instead. Either way, it needed to be resolved. I have a number of calls that I need to make tomorrow. Some of them are going to be uber exciting. Some of them are very angry clients, and others are just follow up, but it is the angry customers I have to worry about. I always try to stay away from being defensive, but have a hard time thinking of what they might actually be feeling about the whole situation. I can help it. When people accuse me/company, we know they are in the wrong, right? Not always the case, but I hate to give up part of our bonus checks to pay for this Dr's week vacation to the Bahamas. (Same amount as having a tech in the office for 5 hours.) Well, off to bed. Later

Strike 2!! - Up for bat

Well, I took my car in to be repaired just this last week. After leaving it with them from 9:00am to about 7:00, that they found the time to replace the 2 light bulbs and water sprayer for the back windshield. This time they actually moved the care! Must have been because those imported light bulbs were a little too heavy to just walk out and install. So they think they have figured what is making the knocking noise under the car, its the Sway bar, but hold on. I thought it was the strut? I must be confused. If they actually looked at it last week they could have known this and fixed it during the 10 hours they had my car. I dont know though. Perhaps they just spent all that time replacing them light bulbs, they are imports... What a lame excuse. Anyway, I have scheduled it again on Wed at 9:00. If they hold onto it until 7:00 without correcting the problem I will be mad. Not to mention, I might just ask them to pay me for them to fix it, because of all the crap they are making me put up with. If they get Strike 3, I will be mad. Anyway, later.

Week End

Well, we decided to take a random trip up the mountian. We got up on saturday and said, wow, things are really busy. Then my brother calls and says, "you want to go camping," So we left about 2 hours later and got nearly nothing done. It was fun though. Have you ever seen drunks try to park an SUV on 2 large rocks at an uphill incline? It is quite funny. Fishing with kids can be an interesting feat. They just sit there and reel in the line. Dang it is frustrating. Well, Later

Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Well, I have been here all day long and it is nearing the end of my term. I am happy to say that I am going home shortly. Well, I may be going to see MI:3 today, but that all depends on a certian friend that has to verify something, then I will know. I will be telling my wife this in about 10 minutes when she arrives. Then rush home, find a babysitter, and off to the movies it is. The weekend is looking to be fun too. As you may have read before I have been helping my father-in-law dig a new sprinkler system for his house. He recently ordered some dirt for the back yard and we need to spread it out, but I have convienced him to rent a BobCat to do the work. Boy will that make it easier. Anyway, need to get going. Later. Hope you all enjoy your weekends.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Check this out guys:
This is hellarious