Life Is As You See It

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Not a real Dr

So I was talking with Jacob today about a certian Dr who wants to consistantly pitch a fit and even gave Eric an ear full. Jacob's response was priceless: "You claim the doctor title, but you are only a dentist." I think I laughed for almost 5 minutes straight. It was funny. So yeah, I will be preparing everything to move tonight so in the morning I simply have to move files from computers. Anyway, hope you all have fun down there without me and that you can all deal with the recent exposure of M named stress. Later all.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Movie Tickets for Summer Party

So I was looking at the movie tickets that they passed out earlier today and noticed that they have coupons on the back. But upon reading the coupon, they have already expired! Both tickets. One expires on 5/31/06 and the other 3/30/06. Conenciedence? I dunno, but barbara thinks that they were just being cheap and bought the tickets at a major discount because of the expired coupons. Why dont you judge?

Preparing for the big move

Well, today I brought my twofity gig harddrive to backup some work junk, and other stuff from my machine, so that when I get the new computer and everything I will still have everything. So unfortunately my share will be coming down as of the end of the day. Perhaps in a little while it will come back online, but it will be with a different computer name or something. Anyway, I will packup everything on Friday morning and start moving my stuff upstairs by the Ski Utah room. So if any of you want to pay me a visit. I will be sure to come down and waste some time everyonce and while with you all. In the mean time I am trying to finish up all my Goals before the quater ends and I get marked down on my 90 day eval. I also just need to find out if I will be getting my Tech V raise before I move, because if I dont that will suck. I guess if I dont that would be ok also, but I would much rather have it. Its another dollar an hour. That would seriousley help. Anyway, later.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006



OK! There you have it. Tell me what you think!

Eric's Updated Photo

So I showed Eric how to add a picture using HTML code... boy was that a big mistake. So to ease the pain I have grabbed this very disturbing image and made it even worse. As you can see in the blow picture that his eye's are completely missing. This is due to not watching what he post. According to "A" leading joke-ster in this field we ask Brandon doyle his opinion on the image. What can be done?
Unfortunately Blogger seems to have a problem with the photo and will not allow me to upload it right now. I will try again later, but perhaps someone else wants to host it for me. If you can provide me with rights I can get this thing underway.

Check it out!

I thought I would check out this South Park character thing and its pretty cool. If you are interested in making yourself into a South Park character, visit the following site:

How I met my wife

I dont recall the entire day or anything, but I do remember that I had just gotten out of english class and it was lunch time. I walked down the halls of the old school to the lunch room to do the normal routine of the lunch line. I went and sat with my regular crowd of geeks and at that same time I was working on programming a game on my calculator. I had a friend by the name of Sheri that wanted to introduce me to her best friend (THIS IS THE CUE FOR RACHEL TO ENTER). When I first met her, I will have to tell you that she was very pretty. Her hair was dark and straight. I think she was wearing jeans and a white sweater that appeared very soft. After talking with them for a few minutes we parted and it was probably later that week that I started to see her in the halls. Still didnt really talk to her much but we said hi to each other as we passed. At lunch time every few days I would sit at the same table as them and socialize. It was almost 3-4 weeks later that I finally asked her to go to a dance with me. It was the valentines dance. It was about 1 week away (I think Feb 16, 2000). I was excited and had gone on a number of dances with some friends, but never really in an interest of my own.
I remember that night quite well as we danced. I will tell you that I was a dork (because thats what I am), but apparantly that is charming. I took her home and walked her to the front door. We gave each other a hug and then kinda akwardly separated.. but then I gave her a kiss. It was very quick as if it was stolen, but it was very pleasing. I went home as happy as a lark. The next day I was kinda unsure of how to act, but we started to see each other regularly and the rest is history.

Monday, June 26, 2006

For those of you that need a closer look

Please note the markings on the map

Life as a jail bird (Part 2)

The story continues...
I remember that we were at home and I was playing this wicked awesome sweet SNES game called Zelda when suddenly there was a knock that disturbed my nintendo playing experience. I was downstairs and in the last bedroom. The walls were still bare, and made of concrete. The only thing sepating me from the downstairs living room was the framed 2x4's that made a rectangle called the bathroom. I quickly paused the game to find what was causing this great clatter. Upon reaching the door, I opened it quickly to see 2 large men in black and a third wearing the county police uniform, brown and green in color. His hat large and brimmed with the police logo. I asked them what this was about. The men stood silent for a moment.. then answered, "Have you seen your father?" I answered in a hurry as my mother had taught me. "No". The men asked for my mother. I directed the men to the back yard where she was working in the garden. The men simply walked away without saying a word. It seemed as though they talked for hours in the back yard, and then they left. My mother came into the house quite distraught and went straight to the room. All of us were affraid to ask what had happened. Later that night my mom was loading some of our belongings into the mobile home. I guess I was just neive to the situation. We were packing to go on the run. My dad showed up riding his motorcycle and looked as though he had been camping, quickly got in the motor home and we drove out of town. I dont recall what was talked about, but I do remember what we did. We drove down into Arizona then into new mexico, then through the four corners into colorado. I recall that my mom said when we were in Denver that we had a cop following us for about 20 minutes. She said that my dad was sweating bullets. We continued to drive into wyoming and then to Idaho, then finally into Montana, where we meet with some of my dad's friends. I remember that we hid in the mountains for about 3 weeks before we came down. We all drove to the air port in montana and I remember everyone being sad that my dad was being taken away and I didnt understand why. I honestly dont recall crying when it all happened. The plane took off in the clear sky and on the TV a report saying that there was an earthquake in St George that had caused some problems. We got in the car and started to drive home. I recall watching the air plane that my dad was on, fly off into the distance.
I recall arriving back home and packing everything we could get. The government had siezed our property and we were giving the ability to gather clothing and some objects from the house and call for a ride, because they also took the motor home. There were 11 of us including my mom. I dont know exactly how it played out, but we moved to middleton, which is a suburb of St Greorge. I lived there for about 1 yr, with alot of good memories. It was then that my dad was to appear in court in Salt Lake.

Life as a jail bird

In light of Eric's endevour this morning, I have decided to give a little more insight to the history of my father and the Mari-Ju-Wanna escipades. First off let me say that in 1992 my dad had a collection of some plants in the basement of our newely built house and wouldnt allow anyone in the room. In the summer he purchased some land outside of Paraguna, ut. Which as most of you know if a ways north of Cedar city in the middle of no where. Now for a visual aid. As the image to the left shows the approximate land purchase/location of the CROP. As you can see we had plenty of water and so on. Notice that little hill in the south side of the crop? That was the lookout location. So if you saw the cops comming you could signal with walkie talkie's. I actually still have some pictures of that canyon. It was quite cool and I remember exploring it quite a ways back, but I never really went to the "Crop" unless there was some need for manual labor.
Note: There is a small clearing in the middle of these trees, can you guess why?
So it was in the end of 1992 where his neighbor friend tattled on him and the jig was up. He took off in the hills for about 2 weeks before reappearing to drive the mobile home for a 6 state run. I will go into that later. Comments, questions?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I dont know why but today I had the biggest brain fart. I was supposed to call a dr back and help them with image quality, but for some odd reason, I completely forgot about the entire thing until it was about 4:30 and the office had already closed. Oh well I guess. I know they are not going to be happy about it. Hopefully they will allow me to reschedule and this time I will put it on my calendar so I dont forget.

So yeah.... Me and Rachel have just purchased a 2nd car, mainly because Rachel doesn't like going without a car while I am on camping trips with the scouts. I dont blame her. I can understand that being stuck in a house when it is 85+ outside and 2 whiny kids that wont stop for anything. The only relief is to escape and drive some place where the kids are entertained and you can relax for at least 5 minute gaps. I hope that it normally isnt that bad while I am gone, but think what I have to deal with. 5-7 scouts that are all seem to be having mood swings and cannot hold still for more than 2 minutes without hurting another scout in "good fun." It's pretty annoying stuff. Well, got to go. Later.

So guess what?!

Can anyone take a guess on who no longer works at Dentr!x? I am sure most of you have already heard that a certian N named person no longer works there. Perhaps this is because of stats or other. Most everyone thinks they know why, but cannot say anything for sure. A question was asked "Do you know about any external proxy server?" Eric and Brandon formulated a response of "No, WHY?" but for some reason there was no reply. It seems as though this person wanted to browse the internet through a website that had access to anything and not to mention, anonamysly (Dont ask me how to spell that). I know that I shouldn't be the one to stir the pot, but hey, why not?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Who is the "Phantom Tushie Pincher"?

There is a debate going on, trying to figure out who this "Phantom Tushie Pincher" is. The current guesses are "A N named person, A V named person or A R named person. All of these people have the potential to do so. Victor is just random, so yeah, I could see that. Rachel is the wife and might just enjoy making everyone guess, so I could see that. The N named person, according to others is "different" and as such could post something as disgusting as that. Either way "Phantom Tushie Pincher", we will find you! Sooner or later, your terrorist reign will come to an end.

Comments anyone?

Random Repaint Your Living Room Day

So my guess is that yesterday was Random Repaint Your Living Room Day because Rachel and my brothers wife, April, got BORED and said " Hey, Let's paint the living room." I dont know what posesed them to do so, but eitherway, my living room is not a different color. To be exact it is spinach green. But in their defence, Rachel and I were planning on repainting it green someday anyway. So it just sort of advanced our plans, by I dont know how many years/months/days. Oh on another side note: I decided to check what my house value is currently on the internet the other day. Guess what?! I have earned 40,000 in the last 2 years, by doing absolutely nothing. Freaking awesome. My house is now worth like 160,000 and I bought it for 117,000. So Rachel has started drawing up plans for the fall, when we add another bathroom on the house. She is also trying to spend nearly all the money in which we dont have yet on upgrades to the house. Which in turn allows us to have more. I can see that in a couple more years, that my house will be worth 200,000. That would be awesome. That is quite the good work. Anyway, better finish getting ready for work.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Just a funny Joke

The Blonde Bus Driver

It was her 1st day on a new route for a school. Before it was straight forward and intown. She wasn't a bad bus driver at all. She picked up the 1st kid at his stop. Then continued. She picked up the 2nd kid at her stop. No problem. Then the bus driver came to an intersection with a stop sign. About 10mins later she didn't move on. The kids start wondering when she's going to go. Anouther 10mins and still they are sitting there. The young boy went up to the bus driver and asked, "why are we still sitting at this stop sign?"

She replied, "i'm waiting for it to say go."


So I was looking through my bin of responsibilities yesterday and realized that I had to submit all the QoD's for this next week, within the next 2 hours to Sue. I happen to have a couple of questions on my mind, so I enter those, but that didnt get all of them, so I decided to turn to Tina. She happens to tell me to "Schick Off." I thought that sorta came out of left field, but then she calmed and provided me with some helpful questions for the rest of you.
Yesterday when I got home Rachel had my fathers day present... A brand new bike. A very nice one too. This actually made me feel kinda bad because I gave her a card and a dinner, but she gave me a bike, and some camping stuff. That was really nice of her to do that. I put it together last night and as a good gesture I also put her bike back together so that we could go on a ride. The kids were so excited to have a ride on the new bike, and Alex mainly to ride his bike in the street with mom and dad. Mikaila hasnt quite caught onto using bike pedals to drive the bike. As soon as she does maybe we can go out. Until then, I may be using it to come to work, as that will be cheaper than driving everyday. Anywho, Later all.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Good Morning

Well, last night was alot of fun and Alex did a great job. At first he was affraid to put on the helmet, but whatever I guess. He put it on eventually and loved doing it. He has another game on Thursday. We went out to dinner because we had this nice little neighbor girl that wanted to play with Mikaila, but when she came over they just sorta sat there, and her mom. Dont even get me started. She will stand and stare at you until you say something, you know, one of those people that just never seem to catch the hint that you are busy or have something more useful to watch with a stare? So anyway, we went to Los Hermanos and had a good dinner and had ice cream for the kids, (mainly Alex) but you cannot get just 1 when you have 2 kids. I hope that Thursday will not be so rushed. Anyway, see you all soon. Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Here is a taste of one of the pictures


Well, today we are going to be going to Alex's first T-Ball game. I am excited to see how he does. He is so excited to play, although he doesnt like to run or even stay on bases. We will see how he does with this, but either way, it should be fun.

We have now been back from our trip for awhile and I still havent posted pictures and due to the current time restraint I wont post any, but in the very near future I should be putting up my favorite pictures from the trip. Most of you have already seen them, but for you that havent and would like to before the next blog post, feel free to visit my share, then browse to the 'vacation pictures' folder.
